Chapter 2

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I walked into the classroom, waiting for class to start. I didn't see Bakugou anywhere on campus. A girl with pink hair walked over to my desk.

"I'm Mei Hatsume, but you can call me Mei."

"Hi, I'm (y/n) (l/n)."

"So (y/n)-

"Call me (l/n)."

"Ok, (l/n) why're you in the support course?"

"Cause I want to be." She started laughing.

"You're funny."


The teacher walked in and class started.

Time Skip

I walked out of the classroom once the day was over. Mei walked over to me and followed me. Asking questions, and I'd answer. I saw Bakugou, and was about to run over and apologize, but Mei stepped in front of me.

"Are you busy this weekend?"

"Why?" I asked suspiciously, as she slowly moved closer and closer to me.

"I think we both know." I gave her a questioning look. "Look, I really like you, and I want to go out with you. I know you like me too, so don't deny it." I backed up some more so my back was against the wall.

"I don't know what made you think I like you, but I don't."

"I told you not to deny it." She leaned in. "You can't tell me you wouldn't like this." She leaned a little closer as if to kiss me. I looked over to see Bakugou looking at me. Was he upset? He looked like he might cry. I ducked away from Mei and saw Bakugou was gone. I ran over to the people he was talking to.

"Where'd Bakugou go?" A blonde haired kid with a lightning bolt answered.

"Who are you?"

"(Y/n) (l/n). Where's Bakugou?"


"I need to talk to him."


"Kaminari stop. We don't know, he just said he needed to do something and ran off." A redhead with spiked hair answered.

"Thank you!" I yelled back as I was already running to get to Bakugou, and away from Mei. I ran out the school and towards Bakugou house. After a little bit I saw Bakugou walking. I slowed down and stopped in front of him.

"What do you want?"

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry, for getting mad at you yesterday. You were just asking a question."

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have asked something like that."

"It's fine you didn't know better." He still looked upset, not as much as before, but still pretty upset. "But you deserve a straight answer for what I did. Well as straight as possible...I um...I'm gay."


"Yeah, but anyways my uh parents are really homophobic. So I'm trying to get enough money to rent an apartment and move out."

Forbidden Love: Bakugou x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now