Chapter 8

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💀Jax's POV💀
It was nearing 8:00 when I finally pulling into my drive. After leaving Redwoody, I stopped and picked up a bucket of chicken and sides for the kids for dinner. Grabbing the bag of food, I walked into the house and found Savannah, sitting in the floor playing with Abel and Thomas. She must not have heard me open the door because he didn't acknowledge it. Walking into the kitchen, I placed the bag of food on the counter and then walked back to the living room. I paused into in the door way to watch her playing when them. She was amazing with kids from what I could tell. And Abel and Thomas both seemed to like her. Then it dawned on me, I hadn't seen Neeta's parked out front. Checking my phone, I saw I had fifteen misses calls, all from Neeta.

Before I could move further into the living room, Thomas spotted me and shouted my name. A very startled Savannah looked back at me. Nope, she hadn't heard me come in.

Bracing myself for impact, I knelt down and opened my arms as both boys ran towards me. But my efforts were useless, they knocked me onto my back, wrapping their arms around me hugging thr life out of me.

"Ok boys, that's enough. Let your daddy up off the floor." Said Savannah.

And surprisingly, they listened. The both climbed off of me, allowing me to sit up. Savannah walked over to me and extended her hand in a silent offer to help me up. I grabbed her hand but instead of letting her help me up, I pulled her down to me. She landed right in my lap, right where I had intended. The boys seemed to think that what I did was funny. Thomas climbed into Savannah's lap and Abel hugged me from behind.  Even with me sitting and her in my lap, I still had to look slightly down at her because of our height difference. It gave me the advantage of seeing the joy in her eyes upon holding Thomas without her knowing I was watching her.

"Where's Neeta?" I asked when the kids had finally calmed down.

"She has some kind of family emergency. She said she tried to call but could get ahold of you. She came over and asked if I could watch the kids until you got home. I told her I really didn't know you or kids that well but would be happy to help in any way that I could. I hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all. Did she say what the emergency was?"

"No, but she did act like it was something serious. Hope no one is hurt or worse."

"Yeah. I know her mom has been having a hard time regulating her insulin levels lately so that's probably what's happened."


Abel and Thomas got bored and went back to playing with their toys, leaving me and Savannah sitting in the the floor.

"Have they are?" I said as I nodded towards the kids.

"I'm not sure. I don't think so though."

"Hey boys, clean your toys up so we can eat dinner."

"Ok daddy" Said both boys at once.

"Have you eaten?" I asked Tinsley.

"Just a nutrigrain bar at like 4:00."

"Stay for dinner then. I picked up a bucket of chicken and a couple sides so there is plenty."

"Okay. Can I help get the kids plates fixed?"


Savannah got up from my lap and extended her hand once more, offering to help me stand. I took it, but not because I needed the help. I just wanted to touch her again. I didn't know if she felt the spark I felt when we touched and if she did, she didn't give any inducing it. All I know is that I felt it and I liked it. I liked it A LOT!

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