Winston smiled, "Thanks."

Diego grinned back, but then suddenly thought of something, "What were you looking at before I came over here?"

Winston debated on whether or not to show Diego the Polaroid, since it seemed sort of private. But then he remembered that soon an entire courtroom was going to see it. He pulled the picture back out and handed it to Diego.

Diego's eyes widened, "You took this the night Bryce died?"

Winston nodded as Diego studied the picture, "I've never seen him like this. He looks... peaceful."

Winston grinned, "Yeah, he does."

Diego gave the picture back to Winston after a moment, then leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes.

Winston only stopped staring at the picture when Estela came over to both of them.

"Hey guys." She greeted them, solemnly.

Diego immediately stood up, "Where are they?"

Estela knew who he was asking about and pointed to the entrance of the courtroom, "They just went inside. Mom's been crying since she woke up." Estela lowered her voice, "Dad just looks pissed."

"They went in there?" Winston asked. "That must mean the trial's about to start."

As if on cue, Sheriff Diaz walked out the courtroom, "The trial will begin in a few minutes." He walked back inside.

Everyone who was waiting in the hall made their way into the courtroom, as Estela, Diego, and Winston looked between each other.

Winston turned to Estela, "Are you ready?"

"I think I should be asking you that, since you're a witness and all." Estela said quietly.

Winston sighed, "Just because I'm Monty's alibi doesn't mean I'm any more important to the case than either of you."

"Um, yes it does." Estela pointed out.

"It doesn't matter who's more important. Let's just all go in together, alright?" Diego reasoned. Winston and Estela agreed.

Estela grabbed hold of Diego's arm as they walked in. They saw Deputy Standall and Sheriff Diaz standing together in the corner, talking. They fell silent as soon as they saw the three of them enter.

Estela let go of Diego's arm when her father turned around. Luckily, he didn't see it.

"Estela, come over here now." He demanded, from the first row of seats on the right side. Estela gave an apologetic look to Diego and Winston as she went to sit with her parents. Winston and Diego both decided to sit together in the second row.

Beverly turned around in her seat when she heard people begin to enter the room. Her and Winston shared a glance for a split second, before she turned back around.

As minutes went on, more and more people filtered into the room. Soon, many members of Football team were there. Because Monty was eighteen, the trial was allowed to be viewed by the public.

Winston turned around just in time to see Nora Walker enter the room. She had her usual look of determination on her face. He expected her to take a seat in the front row, considering this trial was partially about who killed her son, but surprisingly she took a seat in the very back, alone.

Winston was about to tell Diego, when he was nudged in the shoulder and Diego pointed out the paranoid group walking in. Clay stood protectively next to Tyler, as Justin and Jessica walked in behind them. Zach, Ani, Charlie, and Tony all arrived separately.

The Ending They Should've Gotten - Monty and Winston Where stories live. Discover now