"Hello this is a collect call from Los Angeles County Jail for inmate Madison Morris. Press one if you'd like to accept this call" Bryce's phone speaks as you hear Casey press one.

"Hello" Line says trying not to laugh.

"What the fuck did you do Madison and I hope you got a good explanation cause I'm in class" Casey says confusion and concern clear in her voice.

"So I fucked up and I know it ok. The boys and I went cliff jumping . . . from the pier" Line says making something up out of the blue.

"And you didn't think after we did it you'd actually get arrested this time oh my god I can't believe you" Casey shouts clearly annoyed now. "Your kinda dumb you know that right"

"Yeah I know, and it was the same cop from last time otherwise I probably would've been let off with another warning" Line replies looking into the camera and shrugging her shoulders.

"How much is the bail" Casey asks.

"It's zero dollars bitch cause you just got pranked" Line screams and Casey hangs up. "She's probably gonna ignore me for a few days but oh well. Bryce it's your turn"

"Ugh" Bryce groans pulling from the hat, which by the way is really a glass bowl.

"Would I rather belly flop into the pool with all my clothes on, or eat a dog treat in its entirety" Blake reads.

"Those are hilarious" Line laughs.

"I'm gonna eat a dog treat" Bryce says as Line sqeals and goes and gets one from her bag.

"Dude that's huge" Blake says.

"That's what she said" Line says looking into the camera before busting out laughing.

"That was not scripted and we didn't encourage that" Bryce says to the camera.

"Have fun they are disgusting" Line says  handing him the dog treat.

"These things are huge how does he even eat them" Bryce says holding the treat in front of the camera.

"I break them apart ding dong" line says smacking the back of Bryce's head with his sock that was still on the table.

"How would you know if they are disgusting have you ate one before" I ask as a small smile grows on her face.

"Your psychotic" Bryce says as he smells the dog treat and gagging at the scent.

"Have fun" I laugh as he pops it into his mouth immediately cringing at the taste.

"Swallow and it'll be over" Line laughs as Bryce does so before showing the camera his empty mouth.

"That means it's my turn again" Blake says drawing from the bowl.

"I hope he gets the worst one so I don't get it" Line says to the Camera.

"Safe" Blake screams as the rest of the boys walk into the living room.

"Fuck" Line grabs grabbing from the bowl.

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