cahp 2.

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Hey Aashi don't be so sad. Whatever happened there wasn't your fault, just smile and wish for our new Boss to be super hot. okay!!" Naina said to me to cheer my mood up, which worked quite well and a small smile formed on my lips.

It has been 7 days from that incident and still everyoneblames me for that. Still there is no trace of Disha. Mum and dad hasn't talked to me till now, nor they even checked if I am fine or not, as because of lot of crying, I had got fever which cause me to take 3 days off from the work too.

The alliance has also break , as Laksh has clearly declared that he won't marry Disha now.

In between all the chaos, I also got to know that, our company has got purchased by someone. And today our new boss is coming to introduce himself and will also rearrange our work.

Our seniors are very tense, as we were clearly informed that our new boss will assign us the work, which he will think is suitable for our ability.

So in this way, he can assign us any work. As seniors can also got down to their position, and will join their juniors. And juniors can also got promoted and will assign the work which their seniors were doing till now.

Some of our colleagues have also heard that our new boss is very handsome , and that's why almost every girl of our company has gone crazy, and are preparing themselves to look at their best.

I release a long sigh and continued walking with Nanna in the office hall, where introduction is going to happen.

We enter inside the hall , and I literally dragged Naina to stand up with me in the corner . As seriously this girl started fighting with another girl , just to stand in the front centre.

Everyone was talking and were discussing about our new boss, while I was impatiently tapping my foot on the floor.

I was adjusting my wrist watch, when suddenly everyone in the hall went in complete silence mode.

I looked up and my eyes directly met with his pitch Brown orbs. My breath stuck in my throat, when I see the corner of his lips twhich up . He gracefully went on the stage , with an arrogant aura around him.

"Good morning everyone!!......" with this he started his speech, but my ears were not registering what he was saying. Instead his previous words started ringing in my ears.

"Now be ready , cuz you have put yourself in this , by your own......."

There was a point , when his eyes met with mine , but it was just for a millisecond.

The loud sound of clapping broke my terrace. And I saw him leaving the hall , and again everyone started murmuring to themselves.

"So now what he is going to do?" Naina asked me , while I cleared my throat , as I really didn't hear any single word.

"Wh-what he just said?" I asked her trying to look normal. She raised her one eyebrow and again I give her my best puppy Eyes.

"He said that today we are going to do our respective work , but tomorrow he will again Rejoin our position ,after reading our CV and qualification information file, which we have submitted to this company before joining." she said while huffing and I knew it , my this job is gone.

I am sure , he will surely degrade my position ,or worse , he will fire me.

Everyone retire to their respective work , but here all the worst happenings started coming in my mind.

We know each other from my childhood. But still never for once, he has talked to me like a civil person.
I still remember how he used to make fun of me and how I used to ran away from there while crying.

An Innocent Seduction |18+|✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon