"No... No way..." Hope said, imagining all the possible things they could walk in on. "I'll ask Pen about it tonight. I'm supposed to sleep over in her dorm remember."

"Oh yeah," Josie pouted.

"Hey. I've barely gotten to spend any time with Pen all week. She's been off with MG, while I've been with you or my family."

"I know, I was just hoping we could go to our spot tonight," Josie sighed.

"Oh..." Hope said. Her eyes widened when she realized what Josie was implying. "Oh! Oh well I think Pen will understand if we chill another night."

"No. You spend tonight with Pen, but I want tomorrow night."

"I promise," Hope said. "Come on. I'm hungry. I kept us past dinner again. We should get something to eat before heading to my dorm room."

They went into the kitchens and found the boys doing the same thing they were planning on doing. They were all standing at the island digging into a pan of lasagna that was sitting in front of them. MG pulled two forks from the cup that was sitting in front of them and handed them to Hope.

Hope handed the second to Josie and asked, "Is that meat?"

"Yeah," Landon answered.

Hope set her fork on the table and went to the refrigerator and dug around until she found what she was looking for. She pulled it out and sat it on the counter.

"Since when do you not eat meat," Rafael asked, looking at the pan marked 'veggie'.

She pulled a plate out of the cupboard as she said, "Oh, I do. I am a wolf, remember? Josie doesn't eat meat though."

Josie took the plate from Hope. "Thank you."

"Your welcome," Hope replied, and then picked her fork up and dug into the meaty lasagna.

"You know, I never thought I'd see the day where Hope Mikaelson was the person we looked up to for relationship goals," jested MG.

"Ha ha," Hope smiled and gave him a little push.

"I never thought I see the day where Hope Mikaelson smiled," Kaleb joked, a playful smile on his lips.

"Ha ha. You guys are so funny. Just remember who's teaching who... I might decide it's time to test your skills out myself."

"Oh I'd pay to see that fight," Landon laughed.

"So would I," Kaleb said, looking intrigued. He stuck out his fist and said, "You and me. Tomorrow."

"You're on," Hope smiled, and bumped her fist against his.

Josie leaned forward and whispered in Hope's ear, "You're sexy as hell when you get all macho. I wanna eat you up instead of this lasagna."

Hope's eye's widened comically and her mouth dropped lightly, and she coughed as she choked on her food. When she looked over at Josie, she was eating her food as though nothing had happened, while the boys were all looking at her with concerned looks.

She shrugged her shoulders and got another bite. When she was sure the boy's attention was back on their conversation she looked back over at Josie and gave her a pointed look, who just smiled innocently back at her.

They chatted with the guys while they ate their fill, then excused themselves. When they made it to Hope's hallway, she pulled Josie past her door and gently pushed her into the little alcove near the window. She pressed her body against Josie's and kissed her feverously. She pulled back and husked, "That wasn't very nice." Then leaned forward and attached her lips onto Josie's pulse, sucking just hard enough to lure a soft moan from Josie, but not hard enough to leave a mark.

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