Chapter 9: Let's Talk About Sex, Baby

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[This one is just one long chapter, no parts, so it's going to be long]

Josie was lying next to Hope on her girlfriend's bed cuddled into her side. There was a movie playing on the television, but Hope's attention was elsewhere. Though it wasn't where Josie wished it would be. In her hands was the book that held the answers to Hope's werewolf woes.

"I thought you couldn't read it?" Josie asked quietly.

"I can't," Hope said.

"Then why are you looking at it like you can?" Josie asked.

Hope sighed and the closed the book and laid it next to her. "I guess I keep hoping it will start making sense. I do know a little French, but not enough to make head or tails of it. Penelope said she was going to translate it for me, but she never got around to it."

"Well here. Let me see it," Josie said.

"You can read French?" Hope asked as she handed the book to Josie.

"Yes," Josie said. She opened the book to the spot Hope had marked. "And Latin and Spanish."

"Wow," Hope said impressed.

Josie rolled onto her back and Hope rolled with her. She laid her head above her chest and draped her arm over her waist. She listened closely as Josie translated the French words, her soft tone luring Hope into a peaceful relaxed state. Her voiced wavier when she reached the ritual to complete the bond.

Hope looked up when Josie stopped reading aloud. "What is it?"

"Oh... um..." Josie stumbled, then cleared her throat. "The ritual is just very precise. I have to bite you as you..." She paused. "As you orgasm and stay there until after I've orgasmed."

"Oh..." Hope said. "Is that... I mean... I've never..."

Josie looked at Hope unsurely.

Hope sat up and faced away from Josie. Despite not being able to see her face, the emotions flowing through their bond told her everything she needed to know. Hope was scared and embarrassed .

She set the book down on the bed and rolled onto her side. She reached across the bed and gently rubbed Hope's lower back. "Whatever it is, you can talk to me about it."

Hope sighed heavily. "It's just I've never done this before."

"Done what?" Josie asked, not grasping what Hope was talking about. Then, as though a light bulb went off in her head, she understood. "Oh, you're a virgin."

Hope nodded her head lightly, then turned to face Josie. "I understand the logistics of having sex with a girl, but..."


"But you have more experience," Hope said.

"I do," Josie said. "But I would never pressure you into something you're not ready for."

Hope smiled softly. "That's what Penelope said."

"You talked about this with Penelope?"

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