03. The Book On Hypnosis

Start from the beginning

He shows us the last study room, "This is mainly for second years and up, but it's good for you to know where it is for next year." He mutters, gesturing inside the quiet room where I see only a few students with laptop screens open. I glance towards the books just as the door is closed by Edmund.

"Good, do either of you have any last questions?" He looks to Lorraine first before turning to me. I flick my eyes back up to him, shaking my head once and silently. Lorraine sighs in defeat.

"You haven't shown us where Professor Forthright's office is. Just so we don't get lost when we're scheduled for one of those...compulsory sessions are?" I close my eyes in annoyance. Lorraine gives me a raised eyebrow as Edmund narrows his eyes my way. I don't give anything away in my features.

I turn to Lorraine, "We can find it on the school map another time, Lorraine." I murmur, turning away. I was merely ready to eat dinner and sort out my schedule before bed, but Edmund seemed to have a change of heart when he said behind me,

"Lemon, he has two offices. One on the first floor and another on the third floor. The map requires an update." He says blankly as he walks past me and takes the lead. His dark coat flows around his lower legs behind him. Like a lurking shadow, he walked soundlessly yet still. An echoing effect entered the atmosphere.

I roll my eyes at his need for the theatrics while Lorraine jogs to catch up; I don't bother, considering he chooses to take the stairs. He showed us the door of the one on the third floor, only to see the light off, and instead, he rotated back towards the stairs, where we had stepped down two more flights to the first floor.

He steps down the last step before nodding to someone on the left side; we move around him as I watch Iris step forward, "Are you almost finished with their tour? We're headed to dinner." She says to him, not bothering to glance at Lorraine or me.

So polite.

I think one of them, Erik, hands him another folder, "It's what you missed in Report Contracting." He says with a nod, glancing over at me briefly before looking away. He must have known me then. Edmund nods in gratitude.

Before turning to me, "You know what? Your attitude this morning dampened my mood. Professor Forthright's office is down this hall and to your left. I am very much done giving you a tour, lemon. Lorraine, I wish you good luck." He says, shaking her hand. He gives me the dirtiest of looks before moving through the middle of his team members. Head held high and defiant. They follow him with leaning smirks.

Lyndon is the one who moves his sister forward as he says to me in a taunting whisper, "Getting on his bad side was your first wrong move. Good luck, junior." He says lowly before moving away, with Iris letting out a small giggle.

I blink twice, "Do you think they're taking this a little too far?" I ask Lorraine, who still has both her eyebrows, where she stands.

"Maybe. It's hard to tell. He gave you a nickname but said he's completely done with you. You were right when you said he was bipolar...I didn't know its legitimate extent until he showed his true colours." She explained that I had glared at her for a second before she brought her words back to the 'safe zone.

"I heard you wanted to see my office?"

Lorraine squeaks in fright as she snaps her head over to the lurking voice that I had a strange reading on when we first stepped down the stairs, I slowly turn towards Professor Forthright, who holds two sheets in his hands as he turns from Lorraine to me.

He draws his eyes to mine. He looks bizarrely mirthful, while mine narrow once again. He gestures to follow him with his paperwork, "My main office is just down this way. This place can be quite the maze. It won't do anyone good to get so lost early in the semester." He says over his shoulder. I was thankful he didn't slow down to walk beside me but stayed in front of me while Lorraine was on the other side, giggling lightly with a girly sigh.

The Little Dove #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now