Chapter 7 - Fet Gede

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Today was the day! You were excited beyond belief. Taking a quick shower you hummed soft tunes to yourself. Doing your usual makeup with a bit more glamour you did your hair up and put on a nicer dress than your usual attire. A dark purple satin 1930s dress that you wore for this occasion, though it was more fitting around your body than the trends would have allowed back then. Fixing on your hat and gloves you put on your stocking and heels. Bidding your mother goodbye you locked your bedroom door. Your heels clicked against the floor as you walked to breakfast, wanting to grab a quick bite before going.

"Morning!~" you sing happily. Everyone's jaws dropped at your attire.

"Hottie!" Angel wolf whistled after his comment as you grabbed a pastry from a plate. Charlie and Vaggie stared in awe as Niffty scurried around you, admiring the sequence of your dress. Husk eventually pried his eyes off you but Alastor sat slightly shocked.

"Where are you going?" Niffty finally asks.

"To the living world! It's Fet Gede, meaning All Souls' Day," finishing your pastry you sipped at your morning tea. Noticing the confused looks you chuckle. "It's like day of the dead, I visit every year to collect anything anyone leaves by my grave," taking a last sip of your tea you stand back up. "I should be going, I do love to get there early," you leave only for Alastor to quickly catch up with you.

"Y/n?" You hum and turn to the Radio demon. "Would it be a bother if I accompanied you?" Giving it a bit of thought you seemed to weigh the pros and cons.

"Not at all,"


Now in IMP, you knocked on the front door as Alastor looked around in disgust. A small Imp opened the office door, her smile wide... but it soon fell into a feared expression when she saw Alastor.

"Don't worry, Millie, he is with me," Millie gives a nervous nod before welcoming you both in.

"You look beautiful as always, Y/n," you thanked her but chuckled when you heard a crash and bang from the main office.

"Is N/n here?!" Blitzo stumbles out the office with Moxxie behind looking iritated.

"Blitzy," you kiss the imp on his forehead making him frown.

"Only stolas calls me that," he grumbles.

"I'm sorry, my darling," you pinch his cheek.

"Who's smiley over there?" Blitzo looks behind you at Alastor who was giving a death glare at Loona who nearly fell off her chair in fright.

"This is Alastor, better known as the Radio demon,"

"Blitzo big boss at IMP," the Imp says proudly, shaking Alastors hand. "Ready to go?"

"Absolutely," you wait patiently as the three Imps open the portal.

"Get back before the sun rises," Moxxie says worriedly.

"Of course," you nod for Alastor to follow you through the portal. Feeling a rush of wind through your hair you take a feel of your now gone horns. Smiling softly you turn to Alastor who looked down at his hands. "I forgot to mention we take our human forms on this day," his smile brightened making you grin. He was incredibly attractive, you couldn't deny that. He wore oval glasses, his hair a soft brown, rid of antlers and tuffs of hair. His skin was less grey and more tan, his teeth now a soft pearly white and eyes deep brown.

"Enjoying the view?" You snap out of your admiring when Alastor turned to you.

"Maybe," you retort with a smirk making him blush. "Let's go," walking near your grave you saw a little girl and mother place down wine for you. Finally getting to your grave you admired the new triple x's on the white walls. Tracing the x's you feel the emotions and aim of each wish.

"What are these?" Alastor points to the x's.

"You lived here, shouldn't you know," you playfully scold the man who shrugs. "They are symbols of people who want a wish granted, I usually grant most wishes, unless I don't like the intent," taking off the small blade from your cane you cut your finger and smear blood on each wish you deemed worthy. Giving a small chant your eyes glow a bright purple, small whisps of purple emit from the x's and disperse into the air. "Voila,"

"That was beautiful," Alastor mumbles making you smile.

"Voodoo is a very beautiful thing," you continue the process all around the grave and shield it from the eyes of the living. "I have one grave to go to before we can walk around," walking a few graves away you bend down in front of a smaller grave.

"Of course," Alastor mumbles in understanding.

"Hello, mama," you start to softly talk to your mothers grave, conjuring up a marigold as a gift. Alastor watched from afar, respecting your privacy. His head tilted to the side as you picked up a small brick piece from another grave, spinning around three times and scoring three x's on your mother's grave. Knocking three more times you smudge your blood at the foot of the grave. "I wish for your happiness to last until our next meeting," kissing the grave softly you stand back up and sigh. Putting back on a smile your heels clicked their way back to Alastor who's smile was much more sincere.

"Shall we?" He holds out his arm for you to take.

"We shall," walking out the graveyard you enter the Main Street where many people were placing offerings in front of voodoo shops where altars were built.


"Mama Delphine!" You open the front door of a small shop.

"Y/n!" An older woman walks out the back and greets you with a kiss on the cheek. "Ma choute, I missed you dearly,"

"And I you, mama," she pinched your cheeks before turning to Alastor who stood awkwardly.

"Who is this handsome young man?" Alastor gently takes the woman's hand a kisses it.

"Alastor," Mama Delphine clicked her fingers and sighed.

"I knew I recognised such a charming smile!" She quickly took out a scrap book dating many centuries back. "The charming radio host in New Orleans," she points to a small newspaper clipping of Alastor.

"My, that's a very old picture," he admires the photograph before the woman shut it closed.

"You were quite the trouble maker," she lightly scolded him, poking his chest. "Thought I did enjoy your segments," Alastor quirked a brow at you in confusion.

"Mama is a few centuries old-" she quickly smacks your head. "Ow! Sorry, a few centuries young,"

"Better," you chuckle as she takes both your hands and invites you to sit down in a small booth.


Soft moments yall 🥺😌

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Soft moments yall 🥺😌

- Anna ❤️

Voodoo: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now