Chapter I: She's the One

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Enjolras, Éponine and the rest of their associates are now on their junior year in Paris High School, whose second semester has just dawned upon the students' current academic year.

Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors were all crowding around the bulletin boards posted onto the walls outside calssrooms to have a look at their new class schedules.

The Friends of the ABC, comprised of: Enjolras, Combeferre, Courfeyrac, Feuilly, Jehan, Bahorel, Bossuet, and Joly were walking down their building's corridor in a rather leisurely pace.

For over a couple years stay in the previously stated academic institution, this group has been the resident darling of the crowd. They were highly favored by the administrators, admired by nearly the whole student body, but still disdained by a few.

The schoolboys were chattering and rattling about their brief break, and asserting and bragging their own personal productivity when Courfeyrac thought of sparking up a tease.

Enjolras was discussing with Combeferre about some philosophical stuff before Courfeyrac sauntered his way beside him and swung his arm around his shoulders, "hey there, chief, what's up?"

The blond lad eyed him suspiciously before responding, "hello to you too, mon ami. I'm good. I hope you are as well."

Courfeyrac smirked and took down his arm. "Actually, Enj, I-"

"Don't call me 'Enj'!"

Courfeyrac cackled and raised his hands in the air. "As I was saying, Enj, I'm also good, but there's something that would make me better, and if you wish to-"

"No, Courf, I don't." Enjolras stopped in his tracks and fully faced his body toward Courfeyrac, making the entire squad imitate his pause eventually. He knew very well where this conversation was heading to.

"But hey, everyone of Les Amis would be totally delighted if they see you out with an actual girl, my man!" Courfeyrac, protested, acquiring cheers and nods of affirmation from the rest.

His presumption was right. "That's never going to happen." Enjolras insisted firmly as he attempted to proceed to their room, only to be stopped by his pestering friend.

"Why is that? Are you finally giving in to my conclusion about your . . . sexual orientation?" He taunted, making his amis burst out in horselaughs-including Enjolras.

"How many times do I have to tell you, mes amis? I am not what you think I am. I'm as straight as . . ." Enjolras trailed off, not because he was hinting surrender, but simply because he couldn't think of anything straight at that moment.

"As me? Courfeyrac? Or as in straight as the letter C?" Courfeyrac questioned, humorously.

"Straight as the letter I," rebutted Enjolras, with his signature menacing stare.

"Now that really is straight," remarked Bahorel, as he patted Courfeyrac on the back.

"Hmm, it depends upon the penmanship used," interjected Combeferre, as he stroked his chin.

Feuilly snickered, "well, Enjolras, what kind of handwriting were you referring to, anyway?"

Enjolras grumbled in exasperation. "Printed handwriting!" He turned red as he yelled, attracting the attention of the students who were passing by. Some were even gossiping and murmuring already.

"Chill out, dude. We were just making sure." Courfeyrac expressed, suppressing a smirk. Then he began, "okay, so here's what I've got in mind," his amis huddled tightly around him, trying to listen intently.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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