"No more mixing liquors for you. Doing too much." I laughed. "I just need to sleep it off. I'm good." she said as we made it to the couch. I put a waste bin beside her just in case. I'll kill her if she throws up on my floor. "We'll see in the morning in your lying or not." I laughed as I headed towards the bathroom. I took a shower before heading to bed. "Dion?" she slurred. "Yes baby girl?" "Thank you for always being there for me." "No problem. I should say the same to you. Get some sleep baby girl. I'll see you in the morning." I laughed. "I love you." "Love you too." I said as I stumbled to my room.

  "Why did you let me mix liquors?" Dira groaned as I walked into the room. "I told you not to but 'live a little! Not everyone likes to play it safe' remember?" I laughed as I fired up the stove. "I smell cinnamon. You clearly remembered my hangover remedy." she slightly laughed as I poured the pancakes on the now hot pan. Her hangover remedy is cinnamon pancakes, don't ask how but know that it works every time. "Sooooo you and Joey were real comfortable last night." she said as I shook my head. "Don't start this again. Besides he got comfortable with someone else." I said showing her the phone with him kissing a girl on Instagram. "Oh well nevermind." she said as I shook my head. 

  "You have classes today?" I asked her as we ate. "Yeah one but that's at three. Besides I have to talk to my professor today too." she said as I nodded my head. My classes were done for the semester so the only thing I had to do was work. "Oh well I hope it's nothing bad." I said laughing. "Don't play with me. I'm not failing thanks to you but she said it was something important." she said as I nodded. Wonder what that could be about. Shrugging, I continued to eat my breakfast. "Don't worry about it. I'll tell you as soon as I talk to her." she said reassuring me. "See you later." she said as she got up from the table and headed out the door. 

  I continued to scroll through social media before cleaning up and heading back to bed. I was scared out of my sleep by someone banging on the door. "Whatever it is, I didn't do it." I groaned as I walked. "Boy shut up and open the door." Dira said as I grudgingly opened the door. "D, get packed!" she said as she jumped up and down. "Are you having a sugar rush? What is going on with you?" I said looking at her concerned. "Get packed! Get packed!" she said again as I started at him. "Not until you tell me why." I said with my arms folded. "Ugh, always want to be precautious." she said as she stopped. "I got accepted to study abroad and I'm bringing you with me!" she said as we both jumped up and down. "Wait you lying?" "Nope." she said showing me the email, confirming what she just said.  "I put in a clause that I'd only go if I could take you." 

  That's a real friend right there. "Oh my god. Thank you! Thank you!" I said as I hugged her. "Anything for you. I told you, you need a break. Here it is." she said as we danced. "When are we leaving?" "Tomorrow morning." she said as I stopped. "What about my job? I have to work." I said as she laughed. "Go look at your phone." she said as I walked into room for my phone. My manager was telling me that she got the news and that she'd see me in 3 months. "You was on it huh?" I said as I walked back into the room. "Yup now get packed! I'll be back with my bags." she said as she quickly left. She didn't even tell me where we traveling to. "Looks like I'm winging it." I said as I shook my head. 

  Once I was done packing, there was a knock on my door. "You all set?" she asked as I nodded. "Where are we going?" "Madrid." "Spain?!" I asked as I got super excited. She nodded her head in confirmation. "Oh fuck that! I gotta rearrange some things. " I said running back to the room to rearrange my suitcase. I heard her laughing in the background. "Now are you all set?" she said as I wiped the sweat from my forehead. "Yup." "Good now go take a shower because our flight leaves at 9." She is just full of surprises. 

  "D, we gonna miss our ride if you don't come on." she said as she laughed. "I just wanted to make sure I got everything." I said as doubled checked myself. "OK let's go" I said locking the door as I followed behind her. "Hey mom." I said answering the phone as I got in the car. "Hey sweetie Dira told us what happened. Congratulations to you both." she said as my father peeped his head in the camera. "You two be safe out there and call us when you land." he said as I nodded. Dira leaned over and said hi to them. "We sure will." "Have fun and take the most from this experience." he added as I smiled. "Thank you guys. I will." I said answered. We talked for a bit more before we made it to the airport. "Have a good time. We upgraded your plan so you'd have service over there." my mom said as I thanked her. 

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