Part 25: Epilogue

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 "THEY WHAT?!" Hit the Target shouted.

"Romeo and the Blaze Rods killed all of the cave spiders and managed to escape," Veeva responded.

"They're supposed to be dead! You were supposed to kill anyone who investigated the Ravena house!" Hit the Target snapped. Veeva bit her lip.

"I tried to. I sent an army of cave spiders... and I would have sent more if I didn't run out. My lab can't grow monsters in the blink of an eye so we can't have an infinite supply of them," Veeva insisted.

"And whose fault is that?" Hit the Target snarled. Veeva stared at the ground as her eyes filled with tears.

"Mine," Veeva whispered.

"Exactly. I love you, Veeva, but do you know what would make me love you a lot more? Disappointing me less. Unless you want me to hate you, I suggest trying much harder than the half effort you gave me when you tried to kill the Blaze Rods and Romeo. And you don't want me to hate you... am I correct in that assumption?" Hit the Target replied.

"Yes, sir. You're always right." Veeva sounded exhausted and lifeless as she said it- like she had rehearsed the line a million times. "Please don't kill Romeo," Veeva begged.

"It was his choice to refuse our offer. He signed his own death warrant. Of course, maybe if you were more convincing we wouldn't have to kill him. Such a pity," Hit the Target sighed. Tears rolled down Veeva's cheeks.

"First Hit the Target kills Calentine Taylor because I can't persuade her to steal items from the New Order of the Stone's treasure room, and now Romeo is going to die because of me too. Maybe if I was a better partner Hit the Target wouldn't be forced to kill people," Veeva thought.

She didn't like it when Hit the Target slaughtered people, but whenever he killed someone he'd insist that the person deserved to die, that the person's death could have been avoided if the person- and Veeva- made smarter decisions, that the murder was necessary to achieve his goal of making the world a utopia.

And it worked like a charm every time.

"At least now I understand why you didn't put your best foot forward when you sent cave spiders to the Ravena house to kill Romeo. It's because you love him. You could have killed him, but you didn't want to. I suggest cutting the strings of any attachment you may have to him so you aren't upset when he inevitably dies," Hit the Target added.

"Of course," Veeva replied.

But the strings of attachment refused to break.


Colton, Kali, and Nisha were sitting in a glass cell together.

Colton had messy black hair and green eyes. He wore a blue hoodie, blue jeans, and black converse.

Nisha had long black hair, which she wore down with a small braid that wrapped around the back of her head, and green eyes. Her outfit consisted of a short sleeved layered white dress with ruffles at the bottom and wavy red sleeves, a green leaf necklace, a green bracelet, a red flower hairclip, and red sneakers.

Kali, the oldest of the three, had green eyes and black hair that had been given a pixie cut. She wore a long sleeved pale green turtleneck, black jeans, black three inch high heels, and a silver crescent moon necklace.

"We need an escape plan," Nisha decided.

"If we try to escape, Hit the Target is going to kill all of us. I can't let him kill you, Nisha. You're my little sister and I promised myself that I'd keep you safe no matter what it takes," Colton pointed out. Nisha threw her hands in the air and narrowed her eyes.

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