Part 3: An Emotional Meeting

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Binta stood up and walked to Jesse.

"I asked you to come to this meeting because I needed to tell you that Fred's Keep is being rebuilt near Beacontown and Champion City. Would you mind if my people stayed in Beacontown until Fred's Keep is finished with construction? Don't worry... if Beacontown is too full I could always move my people into Champion City or Redstonia instead. But I'm a bit hesitant to move them into Boom Town because of the thieves and constant explosions," Binta explained.

"I know Boom Town has a bad rep, but Axel and Nohr have been fixing things around there. It's a lot safer now, there's only a couple thieves and explosions. I would allow your citizens to stay in Beacontown, but Beacontown is kind of in danger at the moment. They'd be safer literally anywhere else," Jesse told her. Binta's eyes widened and her eyebrows rose.

"In danger at the moment? How?" Binta questioned. She was clearly worried.

"Okay, so there's this villain who likes to call himself 'Hit the Target.' He's threatened the Blaze Rods into stealing items for him and killed Calentine Taylor. I don't know what his plan is, but he's definitely a serious threat to Beacontown. Romeo and I just recently found out that one of the YouTubers is working for Hit the Target, excluding Cassie."

"Calentine Taylor? She's dead? That's really a shame... she was such a sweet girl. She loved animals and had a beautiful accent. I didn't know her that well, but we crossed paths a couple times. Jesse, if there's anything I can do to help... I'll do it," Binta vowed.

"Thanks Binta. I'm gonna need it. Could you make sure none of the YouTubers leave Lizzie's party until I interrogate all of them? It doesn't matter how you do it, just get creative," Jesse responded. Binta smiled and saluted, then dropped her saluting hand back to her side.

"So I think that's all we need to talk about, right?" Binta checked. Jesse shook her head.

"I was wondering if you could go a bit easier on Romeo. Or at least not attack him anymore," Jesse said. Binta laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Sorry about that. I don't want to make things harder than they already are for you, and it's not fair to drag you into all of my drama," Binta replied.

"It's fine, Binta. I know you're really angry and you have the right to be... Romeo did a lot of horrible things. But he's trying to be a better person and I want him to feel like it's making a difference," Jesse stated. Binta smiled warmly at Jesse.

"Jesse, you always put everyone before yourself. But remember that it's okay to think about how you feel," Binta told her. Tears began to well in her eyes. "You remind me so much of Fred. He- he always was so kind. B- b- but his k- k- kindness was what made him... what made him..." Binta's sentence was cut off by her own sobs.

Jesse instantly rushed to Binta's side and put a hand on her shoulder. Binta sniffled and wiped away her tears.

"I- I don't want you to die too. I don't want you to trust Romeo, only to be stabbed in the back," Binta confessed.

"He won't kill me, Binta. He's my friend," Jesse replied.

There was a pause. Silence filled the room.

It was so quiet that Jesse and Binta could have heard a pin drop.

"That's what Fred thought," Binta said, her voice a low whisper.

To Jesse, Binta's words were a shocking slap to the face.

For a second Jesse wondered if she was wrong, and Binta was right. Romeo wasn't truly redeemed, just pretending so he could get his revenge.

But then she remembered she was Jesse Evangeline Taber... Slayer of the Witherstorm, Savior of Sky City, Liberator of Crown Mesa, the Old Builders' Downfall, and this world's mightiest hero.

She could do anything she set her mind to and challenge even the strongest of foes.

And when her gut told her something, it was almost always right.

"Romeo's different now. I can tell," Jesse stated. Binta's expression was one of worry.

"Jesse, I dunno. You always see the best in people, which is really nice... but that might be the thing that gets you killed," Binta sighed.

"I'd rather die believing in people and seeing the best in things than as a pessimist cynic who doesn't trust anybody," Jesse told her. The corners of Binta's mouth turned upwards.

"You remind me so much of Fred. It's almost as if he's still here with me. I won't tell you how to live your life, but I will tell you to be careful... especially around Romeo," Binta responded. The two girls hugged, then let go.

"Binta, you're an amazing friend," Jesse said. Binta smiled at her.

"You too," Binta added.

Romeo regained consciousness, stood up, and walked to Jesse and Binta.

"I'm really sorry about the lightning fiasco. I could make the meeting room good as new if you'd like," Romeo offered. Jesse snickered, smiled, and shook her head.

"There's no way you're gonna have enough time between Lizzie's party, rebuilding Champion City, fixing things with Xara, and trying to learn how to function as a normal human being," Jesse pointed out. She paused for a moment, before adding: "I'll find someone to clean up the burn marks."

"So... is our meeting over?" Binta asked. Jesse turned to Binta and beamed at her.

"Yeah, we can leave. See you at Lizzie's party!" Jesse answered. Binta waved goodbye to Jesse and Romeo, and Jesse and Romeo waved back.

Jesse and Romeo walked out into the streets of Beacontown.

"I'm honestly elated that we finally have a lead on Hit the Target," Romeo commented.

"Same. Now all we have to do is find out which YouTuber is Hit the Target's accomplice. Once we find out the accomplice's identity, we'll finally get some answers on who Hit the Target is and what he wants," Jesse agreed.

"Should I teleport us to the party so we can get there faster?" Romeo questioned. Jesse let out an exasperated sigh.

"Fine. But don't let anyone see you do it and don't wear yourself out," Jesse complied. Romeo nodded, and he and Jesse vanished... leaving only purple teleport particles behind.

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