Chapter 10 : The Protector

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Vidaj was terrified knowing that he was next, but he was filled with such rage from the screams of his friends that he knew he had to at least try. The being didn't seem to notice to notice any of the emotions emanating from Vidaj. He stared at Vidaj curiously. "I'm impressed you didn't fall to the wayside like the rest of your friends, but from the look on your face, I can tell it takes quite a bit of energy for you to cast your shadow repeatedly. So how about we play a game? How many strikes do you think it'll take before you make a mistake and I rip your body to shreds?"

The man let go of his tight grip on Vidaj's friends instead focusing all of his strength toward Vidaj. His vines viciously approached him. Vidaj was able to phase through the attacks, but the sweat dripping from his forehead said it all. There was no way could he keep up with the masked man's stamina.

The man laughed wildly. "Boy you're looking tired!"

Vidaj peeked at the rest of the group. Though they were no longer have their life drained from them he could easily see their helpless expressions. Knowing that he could only phase through the man's attacks three or four more times he had to think of something. Unable to think of anything the vines approached him again. He didn't know how he was able to keep his focus, but he managed to phase through the vines once again. Fighting for his life, he stood back up, exhausted, his eyes struggling to focus on the masked man.

"Looks like you can barely stand. Let's see who screams louder, you or your friends when this finally connects!"

The group all screamed and pleaded for Vidaj to move out of the way, but just like Vidaj, they knew there was no escaping this madman. Vidaj put his hands up, pressing his eyes into his head. Embracing his fate, he awaited the final blow. An odd unexpected feeling filled him. It wasn't the fear and anxiety that had been plaguing him since the plant like being arrived. This was something else. Something calming and familiar. Something strong. It was the aura that he had been chasing. Opening his eyes, long claws had sliced through vines that would have surely killed him. It was the man in the trench coat.

Jumping back the man shed his cloak revealing a thick layer of white fur. Vidaj stared at the furry creature in awe. The beast momentarily turned to face him, revealing a calm, light white humanlike face with a large, dark, pointed nose. Vidaj marveled at the creature's vibrant white fur, his massive size, and razor-sharp claws.

The tree like being shouted, "LOX the fox! What are you doing here?"

The fox like creature's stoic expression that had filled Vidaj with calmness had vanished. Instead he could feel the LOX's anger through his raspy tone. "You know exactly why I'm here, Natura Arbor. I'm the protector of the sprites! Do you think I'd let you take them so easily?"

Even with these questions swirling in his head, and his exhaustion, he felt a surge of energy that allowed him to rise and stand by LOX's side, ready to fight.

LOX shifted his large blue eyes toward Vidaj, extending his massive arms out, which covered almost all of Vidaj's body.

"What do you think you're doing?" LOX questioned.

Though he terrified of the creature that appeared before them Vidaj renewed confidence was on display. "That's for the help back there, but this guy's dangerous. I know you're pretty big, but didn't you see how he controls those vines? We're going to have to work together to take him out."

LOX's deadpan expression made it hard to gauge what he was thinking. His sharp teeth were exposed. Vidaj couldn't tell for sure, but LOX might have been smiling. "You're a tough kid, but tough almost got you killed. Don't worry. I have a plan."

Vidaj looked at the creature intently waiting for his master plan. LOX extended his massive furry arms out. The force flung Vidaj back towards the rest of the group. Breathing heavily, Vidaj was stunned at how easily LOX was able to push him back. "It's a simple plan. Stand with your friends and catch your breath. By the time you start breathing normally again, this corrupted sprite will be no more."

Corrupted sprite? Vidaj thought. LOX turned back toward Natura Arbor with his long sharp metallic like claws extended. LOX vanished instantly. Vidaj could feel his presence rushing towards the Natura Arbor. Within just a few seconds Natura Arbor's body had been in half from the waist down.

Natura Arbor gasped while blood began to pour out from his mouth. Laying on his back he turned to his side to see his bifurcated legs by his head. The vines that held Vidaj's friends instantly shriveled up. Within a few more seconds his legs started to disintegrate into a black mist like substance.

It was clear that he was in excruciating pain, but Natura Arbor spoke in his same ominous tone. "The others will come for you."

LOX barked back, "And I'll be here waiting!"

The masked man's headand torso then disintegrated. When his head finally vanished ten small blackfluorescent orbs formed and shot in various directions. Vidaj looked around ashis friends slowly gathered around the cloak of the man who had just died. Thiswas the first time any of them had seen someone die up close, let alone in sucha gruesome manner. Vidaj looked at the fox-like creature for any signs of remorse,anger, or sorrow, but saw none. LOX was just as calm and stoic as he had beenwhen he'd first appeared.

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