Chapter 16

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Elena and Bonnie were at the spot of Esther's death,

"We try and we try i don't care how long it takes" Elena said. She needed him to come back. She didn't care how long it would take. He died making sure that she was safe. Elena and Bonnie tried to do the spell but Elena ended up falling out.

Bonnie ran to her and tried to wake her up but she wouldn't. Then she screamed"ELENA GET UP COME ON DON'T DIE ON ME." Tears were streaming down her face. She couldn't lose her best friend.

1 Year and six months later.

Bonnie hadn't talked to anyone since Elena went unconcious and never came back. No one knew what happened to Elena or Kol she wouldn't tell them. She had flipped her switch as much as she wanted to keep it on she couldn't.

"Bonnie" Bonnie turned around she knew that voice. Elena. She was standing at the doorway with Kol Valerie and she was holding a baby.

Tears came down Bonnie's eyes"Elena"

Elena turned to Kol and Valerie"Go see them i got her." The two vamped out leaving Elena and Bonnie alone."Hey its ok"

"What happened" Bonnie asked.

"I got sent to a dream world i was able to bring them back but i was stuck there for a while. I have a daughter Aaliyah Mikaelson" Elena smiled.

Bonnie walked towards Elena and asked,"How old is she"

"A week old i wish i could have contacted you but i couldn't i seen how y'all were it sucked not being able to help" Elena said.

"You and him are finally together" Bonnie said. She was happy for her best friend that things were finally going right.

"Anything can happen in a dream world" Elena grinned.

"Can i hold her" Bonnie asked. She was happy her best friend was back she hadn't thought she would survive without her.

"Yeah" Elena said. She handed Aaliyah to Bonnie then both girls went and sat on the couch.

"So what happened there" Bonnie asked.

"Although its only been a year and a half here i was there for 3 years brought them back as soon as possible we got together 2 months later. We even are engaged i love him" Elena said,

"I haven't seen any of them since you were here" Bonnie said. She felt bad about it but she didn't want to break down in front of all them. She didn't want to deliver the news to them either.


Kol and Valerie got to the Mikaelson manor. They walked in and seen everyone talking,

Caroline noticed them and smiled. Then she started to ramble"What happened where have you two been where is Elena and Bonnie"

"Where is Elena" Katherine asked.

"A lot happened" Kol said.

"How didn't any of you notice that nothing was wrong" Valerie asked. She didn't get how they didn't know what happened.

"Cause there stupid" Everyone turned and seen Lexi and Jenna.

"Lexi" Stefan asked.

"Jenna" Alaric said.

"Is this like the meeting spot or something" Klaus asked,

"We knew all of you would be here" Jenna said.

"Its been a year and a half what the hell happened" Damon asked,

"Well Kol and i died" Valerie said.

"Elena has been unconcious for the last year and a half." Kol said,

"Bonnie's switch has been flipped" Jenna said.

"Elena was stuck in a dream world where she brought the four of us back and got pregnant and engaged" Lexi said.

"What" Everone shouted.

Elena walked in with Bonnie holding Aaliyah. Then she said."We were gone 3 years"

"Wait pregnant" Caroline said,

"You to finally got together it took Y'all long enough" Rebekah smiled. She was happy that they got togeher.

"I didn't know how to tell anyone what happened" Bonnie said.

Caroline walked over to Elena."Whats her name"

"Aaliyah" Elena smiled.

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