Chapter Forty-Six: Blood Lust

Start from the beginning

As if he'd read my mind, Aiden broke the kiss to rip off my pants.

"You taste of blood and pre-cum." He stood to strip, moving so quick he was a blur. "My favorite combination."

Dropping to his knees, Aiden crawled up my body, spreading my legs wider apart in his wake. He stopped when his crest hit the apex of my thighs, and his breath caught. "Audrey..."

Right as he began to push inside someone snatched me by the wrist and hauled me out from underneath him.

"Damnit, Lucius," Aiden snarled. "Give her back."

Lucius had me at the outer edge of the sunken floor, putting himself between me and the other vampires. He held me at arms length, dark eyes raking over every naked inch of my body.

"Get her out of here, Lucius." Duke barked from somewhere I couldn't see. "I'll take care of things here."

Lucius didn't respond. Instead, he reached up to slowly undo the string that held back his jet-black hair. It cascaded to his shoulders in thick waves, and perfectly framed his long face. I wanted to touch it, to see if it was as soft as it looked, so I reached out. Lucius snatched my hand before I could blink, his breathes coming out in quiet bursts as he whispered, "you've no idea how much I want you."

"Lucius, what's going on?" Duke sounded gruff, distracted, like he was busy with something. "Why are you two still here?"

Drinking Nero's blood, giving Dean Lachlan a blow job, nearly getting screwed by Aiden, it all had me twisted in a knot of arousal. I couldn't move, couldn't think of anything but the pool of desire aching between my legs. It felt like I was about to explode. If I didn't come soon...

"Show me." My voice was small, breathy. I gazed into his eyes, then at his mouth, and licked my lips. "Show me just how much you want me."

His breath hitched in his throat, his eyes went wide. He regarded me for a moment, then moved me to a spot in the back of the room. Deftly, Lucius used the string from his hair to tie my hands together before lifting them above my head. He hung my bound wrists on an old metal hook jutting out of the wall, and took one of my breasts in his hand.

"You want me to show you how much I want you?"

He purred, rolling my nipple between his finger and thumb.

I whimpered, moving my hips desperately. "Please,"

I was so close; just a touch, a graze of his fingertip, and I'd explode.

He gave me a triumphant smirk while moving his hand frustratingly slow from one breast to the other. "I want you more than anything." He gave my nipple a pleasantly hard pinch. "More than I have ever wanted food or drink as mortal. More than I crave the blood coursing through your veins at this very moment."

"Lucius, please..." I was panting, squirming impatiently under his cool touch.

"More than your body needs release." He whispered seductively, his hand lazily shifting southward. "This hunger--this insatiable desire for climax you're feeling, it's torturous, is it not?"

He brushed against my dampness, and I nearly cried. "Lucius, God, please."

Grinning devilishly, humorlessly, Lucius sucked my wetness off his fingers. "I'll take that as a yes."

He began unbuttoning his white slacks, pulling out his proudly erect cock and fisting it so I could see. "How you feel now, so hungry, so desperate, is how I feel every time I am near you." Like a predator stalking it's prey, Lucius closed in on me, lifting my legs so that they wrapped around his hips, taking care not to enter me. "I love you, my queen; so I am willing to endure the torture. Tis a small price to pay for precious moments such as this. But will you do the same?"

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