Chapter 16

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A/N Dizzy is bold and Jane is italic

Hey I know that some things have been bothering you lately and I just wanted to check up on you  

Thanks. I was dealing with some things, but I'm fine now 

Are you sure because I'm really worried for Jane 

Seriously I'm fine

Jane I can't even remember the last time I saw you eat a meal and you haven't been yourself lately

I've just been busy

You've lost a lot of weight and I'm worried that it's starting to get unhealthy 

I had weight to lose. Don't worry I'm healthy and fine

I can't diagnose you, but it looks like you have an eating disorder. I just want to help you please tell me what's going on

People have pointed out to me that I could lose a few pounds so I have. I don't have an eating disorder tho

I'm coming over this conversation needs to be in person not over the phone 

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