Chapter 4

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A/N Audrey's texts are in bold and Jane's are in italic 

Can't believe that you actually loss some weight, but you still aren't pretty

Why are you doing this? This past month all you've been doing is pointing out all my flaws

Because someone needs to tell you the truth. Your friends and boyfriend don't have the heart to tell you that you don't look good in photos. No one wants to post about their fat and ugly friend just because your hair changed doesn't make you pretty. You have other features that aren't exactly the greatest. 

Even though you lost some weight you're still fat and you still have a long way to go if you want to hangout with the group again. 

Wait is that why the group doesn't include me sometimes

Yes and it's also why Carlos only hangs out with you in private settings 

He told me that he likes it when it's just us 

Of course he does it's embarrassing to be seen with you 

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