We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals (part 2)

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Ray stood in the foyer for a moment with a sigh. She felt like maybe she should just leave.

"You seem to be in thought." Came a voice from behind her. Ray turned around and saw a.. monkey wearing a suit jacket with a cane. Ray blinked slowly, trying her absolute hardest not to laugh at the absurdity of this.

"You could say that. It seems like being in this house might give a lot of people other then myself a lot to think about." Pogo inclined his head at her words.

"The children haven't been together in so long, and on such dreadful circumstances as well." Pogo tutted worryingly.

"You must be surprised they all came back for his funeral."

"While I was hopeful that they would, doubt did sprout in my mind that they truly would come back." Pogo told her. "But enough about that.. I was told you were accompanied by Klaus?" Ray nodded and looked around.

"By chance did you see where he went?"

"I'm afraid not, although I'm sure he's looting through his fathers belongings." Pogo sighed.

"Pogo stop boring her." Diego walked down the stairs, walking over with a smirk. "I can already hear the next question about tea."

"It's the polite thing to offer a guest something to eat and drink, Diego." Pogo chastised him. Diego only rolled his eyes.

"Come with me, wanna show you something." Diego motioned for Ray to follow him and she did so, giving Pogo a wave bye as she did.

Rey followed him as she glanced him up and down, analyzing him. "So it seems you all grew up to be very different people.." She told him as she followed along.

"Yeah, as it weird as it is. We all had our own way of dealing with the issues that happened to us as children, some of us worse then others... No offense to Klaus." He quickly covered himself.

"Mhm.." She hummed out, glancing at him with pointed eyes. They both stopped in the living room again- or at least Ray thought it was a living room but had no clue because this was actually one of the nicest houses she had ever been in. "Okay, what did you wanna show me?" She asked, making a show of glancing around as if to see something even crazier then a talking monkey.

"My ability." Diego suddenly pulled out a knife. "Give me anything to nail with this dagger, no matter how crazy it might be." He told her. Ray raised her eyebrow and looked around the room.

"Uhh how about the head of that ram?" she pointed to it as suddenly music began to echo from somewhere in the house.

"Easy." He told her then flicked it. Ray didn't see where it went and looked up at the ram head. Her mouth opened in surprise at it was stuck right in the middle of it's head perfectly. "Nice... Also the echoing in this house is crazy." She told him as he started dancing along to the music that was playing distantly. She laughed at him. "What are you doing?"

"My victory dance of course!" He laughed as he jiggied around the couch. It didn't last long however because some noise in the backyard ripped through the sound of the music. Ray and Diego both looked at one another and made a mad dash outside, looking up at what looked like a rip in the sky above there heads. Allison, Vanya, and Luther quickly joined them and Ray subtly glanced around for Klaus but didn't see him.

"What is it?" Vanya shouted over the roar of the noise.

"Don't get too close!" Allison grabbed Luther's shoulder softly as Diego snarked,

"Yea no shit!" Luther rolled his eyes at Diego but focused back on it.

"It looks like a temporal anomaly.. Either that or a black hole, one of the two!" Luther told them in a raised voice.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 03 ⏰

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