Chapter 11: Into the Unkown

Start from the beginning

"I am... No, I was a private person. I guess something changed inside of me when I bonded to Josie. I think she makes it easier for me to trust that people won't always leave me."

"Are you still afraid people will leave you?"

"Yes. Every day. It's what people have done my whole life, but Josie makes me feel... whole, I guess. She makes conquering my fears easier."

Hope played her word then handed the tablet to Penelope. "I'm sorry," She sighed. "I know this must be hard for you."

Penelope rolled onto her side. "Your right. It is hard as hell to hear you talking about Josie like that, but at the same time I'm happy for you and her. You literally have a romance straight from the story books. Who am I to stand in your way?"

"Someone who loves Josie," Hope said.

"And a part of me always will, but she's not mine anymore. I screwed up and I realized it to late. She made it clear before you realized what was happening that she didn't want me back, and as painful as it has been to accept, even if you would break up, I have no chance with her. It's best if I just move on."

Penelope played her word then handed the tablet back to her, then rolled onto her back again. "Besides, the more you talk about her with me the less I hurt, and the more Josie shifts from my girl to yours in my mind."

"I just don't want to hurt you. You're kind of the first real friend I've ever had, unless you count my grandma Mary."

Penelope looked at Hope. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. Grandma Mary was the only person my mom trusted enough to know where we were hiding, and I haven't really made any friends here for reason's I've already stated."

"Well then I guess I should tell you that you're the only real friend I've made at this school, well beside MG, but he only counts when he isn't following Lizzie around like a little puppy dog; which is like ninety percent of the time."

"She has no clue he's into her," Hope stated. "We should either try and fix them up or find another girl for him. Someone who is actually going to notice that he likes her."

"Or boy," Penelope said. "MG's into guys too."

"I didn't know that," Hope informed her.

"It's not widely known. He's out and all, it's just he's always following Lizzie around so everyone who isn't his close buds thinks he's straight. We should try and set him up with Landon. I get the bi-vibe from him."


"Oh yeah. I have excellent gaydar. I knew Josie was into girls the second I laid eyes on her."

"And you never thought that was just your hormones lusting after her?"

"Maybe, but I was still right. I'll work my magic with MG and Landon. See if we can't sway MG's attention onto him."

"Hey, I'm pretty sure Lizzie's into girls. You could ask her out," Hope said suddenly.

Penelope looked at Hope with wide eyes and then laughed. "Me and Lizzie. You can't be serious?"

Hope smiled at her. "I got you to laugh though."

"You have a devil side to you Hope Mikaelson," Penelope chuckled. "I like it."

"I am my father's daughter," Hope chuckled. "In all seriousness though, Lizzie's not as bad as she seems."

"Seriously? You're not messing with me again?"

"Lizzie and I have found a common ground. We've been spending a lot of time together. She's not as bad as you would think. I'd like it if the two of you could at least be civil around one another."

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