Ch. 3

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"And I'm just saying I'm just teaching him how to drive!" The brunette said breathless.

"Okay,okay-" the bald boy stopped and looked at me. I just stared straight forward back at him.

"Um hi?" I was unsure on why he was looking at me.

"Emma, when did you get a room mate?" He questioned the girl.

"Sometime last night." The girl who I could guess name was Emma said.

"Come on people, lets go lets go," another boy walked in with someone following, a boy with brown hair with his hands in his pocket.

"So when are we leaving?" Brunette boy asked the bald boy.

The bald boy walks towards me ignoring the question, looking as if studying me, "what's your name?"

"Woah! New girl," said the second boy.

"I'm Adriana, and you guys?" I raised my eye brows slowly inching back from the boy who was sitting on my bed, but making sure to keep my arms covered.

"I'm Leo," said the boy on my bed.

"I'm Emma!" She said as she waved over from a drawer near the front of the room.

"Names Dash!" Called the second boy.

"Uh- my names Jordi," he said nervously? He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Nice to meet yo-" I was cut of by Leo.

"So you're in for the same thing Emma's in for?" He asked.

"Ay man chill down, stop interrogating the girl," Dash called.

"Um. I can't say I know what Emma's in for and I'm not gonna try to find out."

"Oh, ok i'll tell you, you're in the floor were they keep people with eating disorders."

"Leo! Man chill," called Dash again.

"Um, I'm not in here for a eating disorder. But I guess that's close enough."

"So why are you here?" Dash asked instead if Leo this time.

"Um," I rubbed my neck. "I don't want to talk about it yet if that's cool, but also I'm in the works of getting emancipated, so I guess for now I'm the hospitals." I shrugged as I looked around.

"Funny. Jordi's getting emancipated." Leo said pointing to Jordi, Jordi waved I just have a weak smile.

"Ok there you guys are!! I was confused on where everyone was!" A blonde girl shouted. "What is everyone looking at?!"

"That there is Kara," Dash said.

"Oh new meat," she smiled. "You're gonna hate it."

"I doubt it, but thanks. So sounds like you guys were going somewhere don't let me stop you guys!" I smiled.

"Are you sure you don't want someone here?" Emma says walking by.

"Yeah, I'm fine I'll figure something out."

"Ok bye, nice meeting you," they all called out before leaving.

There was still someone left, Jordi, "hey um nice meeting you," he says rubbing his neck again, "um I know what you're going through and yeah I'm here if you ever want to talk, I mean I know I'm not a girl but you know-"

"Yeah I know, thanks." I smiled before curling back in to my bed.

A/N: ay updated! I was like how am I gonna introduce them but I found a way! I hope you guys like it. I know not a ton of people a reading this but thanks! Let me know if you are! ^.^ ok bye xx


Holding On To The Lost Song ~ Red Band Society Jordi Palacios fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now