Ch. 4

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I get up and step on the cold floor i can see I'm still in the hospitals gown, I grab my clothes that had been put at the end of my bed and walk to the bath room and get changed. I come and sigh looking around. My black jumper was on a chair near my bed. I'm guessing it was from my neighbour, Lisa. I think she felt for me the most, she had a daughter that died in a car accident at a young age. I guess she sees me and it reminds her of her daughter, she was like a mother I didn't have.

I walk to the big window while putting on my jumper and sit on the couch. The city looked so crazy from up here! "Most beautiful thing I've ever seen," I whisper to myself as the view astonishes me.

I walk out of the room hoping to see everything a little more. I don't even know If I was allowed to be out of the room at the moment, oh well. I walk past a nurse who says me good morning all cheery, I think her name tag said Britney. Then boom nurse Jackson. I walk quickly past her- yeah nope, I'm stopped.

"Where are you going?" She raises a eyebrow.

"Umm.... Give me 5 minutes to come up with something?" I say trying to proceed forward past the arm that had stopped me.

Nurse Jackson chuckled, "come on baby girl, lets go back to you're room," she said leading me past all the rooms I'd just past and going back to the room I started in.

"Oh joy, you know, I was just going to look around."

"And look you will, when you have shoes," she said pointing to my feet, "and when your roommate gets back, I'll have her show you around.

"So in the mean time...?"

"Just stay here read or something, I'll come back in to check on you."

"Okay thanks," I said falling on back on the bed.

About a hour later Lisa had come and dropped a pair of shoes off, some clothes, my brush, my glasses and books of mine. She told me how her and my mom had been arguing, when I told her about me getting emancipated I could tell she was upset but happy, I also told her she could come stay whenever, to be truthful I even told her she was my only friend, cause she was. I told her how lucky her daughter was to have a mother like her and she began to shed some tears also she took me in the tightest hug I have ever gotten.


I'm sitting on my bed reading my book Remember Me, a book about a girl who dies but is earth bound, it's a really good book, in the book there was three books, I was on the second, about a new girl.

I hear foot steps in the room, I look up and see a smiling Emma.

"How was the trip?" I raise a eyebrow, "looks like you had a bit fun or something?" She laughs and shakes her head. Then FINALLY nurse Jackson comes in.

"Good! Emma you're back, can you take Adriana here and show her around?"

"Um.. Yeah sure," she smiles.

"FINALLY! IM FREE!" I say as I hop out of the bed I'm in. Nurse Jackson laughs as she exits. "She told me I had to wait until you came back," I sigh getting my black vans back on.

Emma laughs once again, "so where do you want to go?"

"I actually don't know. When I was here before they'd let me out the next day so I've only seen the main lobby really that's it, well beside whatever room I was in."

"How many time have you been here? I mean if you don't mind me asking," she says playing with her hands a bit.

I move pieces of hairs that have escaped my ponytail, "um... Maybe about 5 times? I can't exactly remember," I look down at the floor.

"Oh," she says softly then coughs, "well shall we get a move on that tour then?" She says more cheery with a smile I can tell has signs of worry.

"Yeah, sure."


Holding On To The Lost Song ~ Red Band Society Jordi Palacios fan ficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora