Ch. 2

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I wake up with a deep breath inhaling as much air as I can as if it is my last breath. I look around and I see a nurse who was all to familiar and a doctor who I actually hadn't seen before, and I was in a room that had butterflies hanging from the top of it and seemed to have another bed but no one else was in here.

"Ah I see you're up," the doctor says. I slowly get my body to a sitting position.

"And by up, I'm guessing I'm not dead."

"Yup, your attempt failed once again," says nurse Jackson.

"You're just wasting you're time with me! You know it's not gonna be much longer after they release me I'm just gonna come back again!" I raise my voice.

"Can we just talk about what's going to happening what has happened?" The attractive looking doctor says. "I'm Dr. McAndrew, and I'm guessing you already know Nurse Jackson. I wasn't your doctor last night you had someone who works the night shifts here but what happened was.." After those words I quickly shuffle around and look at my arm which now has stitches.

"Why won't you let me be?!!!" I shout.

"We can't it's our job to save people," nurse Jackson says.

"Why?" My voice starts to crack, "so I can go home and live a life I don't want to? So I can go home to a house by myself?! I have thoughts that always land me here. So I can go home to a mother who can't careless about me?!" Tears start to roll down my face, "so I can face all the asses at school?! I have reason why I do this!! You!" I point to nurse Jackson, "every time I come here you know who makes the call and who's there! Not even my own mother!" I start loosing control of my breathing and my feelings.

"I know baby doll, I know, and I'm sorry," she says while rubbing my back as I try so hard to catch myself.

"We have news," the doctor spoke. I look up at him with my eyes that are burning. "Your mother was talking about how much of a problem you were becoming, and wishing she could be rid you," he started.

I snuffled, "what did I tell you?!"

"I told her about one of our other patients who is in the works of getting emancipated, so we had a extra set of documents which your mother signed."

"Are you serious?!" I laugh a little. "This is the nicest thing she's done and it may still be for herself but its still amazing." I smile at nurse Jackson.

"But until everything else is settled like fees and the rest, you're ours," Nurse Jackson says.

"Now about treatment and sort, since you've been here many times before for the same reason we're gonna have you see a therapist, 2 times a week, and you'll be attending school here, this is your new room you will be sharing with someone, a young woman named Emma, and you are free to leave when you want but you must check in and out, soon you'll be able to go home to get your belongings, but after that we're holding off for a while just so you can get use to it here." I nod my head at the words doctor McAndrew is saying.

"Thank you," I whisper as I look at nurse Jackson and McAndrew.

"You're welcome," the doctor says before leaving.

"You're welcome," nurse Jackson replies, "is there anything you need?"

"Maybe some water?"

"Okay," she says as she walks to the door. Just before she leaves the room she turns to me and says, "you deserve happiness, I am happy that something good is happening to you," then leaves.

A/N: what do you guys think so far? I like it, I think it's coming along fine.


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