Chapter 10: Under My Skin

Start from the beginning

He didn't need to elaborate for me to know what he hinted at. My head fell on his shoulder as an understanding. He froze a tad, grinning even as I left him alone. "Do they do that in human schools?"

"To those they befriend, yes."

The rugby coach, a stout man that moved too fast to be as human as he looked, blew his whistle. Jungkook and Miles ditched the side in blue shorts to meet Ezra and Malachi in red at centerfield. Without other local schools to compete against, our teams split themselves to conduct athletic events. From dance, to fencing, and even here, the best third-years secured the right to form their own mini squads and compete. It was the closest thing we had to human high school activities. When the captains were picked well, the rivalries weren't half bad.

The four guys shook hands, the ref tossing a silver coin and then handing Malachi and Ezra the match ball after he wished them luck. The boys exchanged banter and wandered back to their sides, pulling into a tight knit huddle. Ezra drew plays on his palm with his finger, Jungkook squatted to chat with his team. As they broke, Jungkook pat Miles on the back and escorted his pack into a wide formation.

"Who do you think is going to take it?" Hoseok asked. He'd sat up crosslegged, leaning forward with his fingers at his lips.

Jimin shrugged. "Ezra's good."

"Good enough to beat Kook?" Isadora asked. "We'll see."

From the bleachers, Helena howled. "Go Miles!"

Clara's hand fell on my thigh before Helena could catch me staring. Because of it, I missed the whistle. The boys sprinted for one another, Malachi weaving through the first line of defense as Ezra shoved other players out of the way for him. Though new to the team, to the school as a whole, Ezra picked up dhampir like they were folding chairs.

"Miles! Get him!" Jungkook shouted, grunting as he and Ezra collided head on. Ezra's cleats dug further into the dirt as he struggled to find a hold on the first captain. But Jungkook held firm, a bull fighter that seemed to wrestle an animal more powerful. He bought time by stalling, just enough for one of Jungkook's other teammates to careen into Malachi sideways and for Miles to meet his momentum at the other end. Both boys dropped Malachi onto his rear, the ball rolling awkwardly into someone else's hands.

The blue team passed the rugby ball like it were made of lava until one of the second-years ran it through the goal.

The crowd at the Fields roared, murmurs of Jungkook's skill whispering through the throng. Jungkook tousled Ezra's curls as they pulled apart and headed to the next starting line.

Malachi whistled to their group. For the first time, I noticed Antero in the middle of their formation, all of their smirks a bit too smug for their next play to be friendly. They stood and assembled, Jungkook and Miles still laughing from their last success.

When the whistle blew, the red team was a blur of speed. Antero carried the ball under his arm, dodging the reach of fingertips by a breath. Miles lowered into a ready stance at his approach, my brother's eyes narrowing onto the council member's kneecaps.

But Antero lowered as well, his grin mischievous as he feinted a step to the left and watched Miles take the bait. Another defender awaited behind, but there was nothing either could do when Malachi and another red team member flanked Antero's sides, kneeling so that Antero could use their legs as stepping stones.

An Ivory Table member soared over the second defender's head, everyone on the field pausing in awe as Antero somersaulted to his feet and dashed through Jungkook's goal.

Hoseok threw his hands out. "Is that legal?"

The rugby coach blew his whistle, the point going to Ezra's team.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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