Chapter 1

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'Beep! Beep! Beep!' The alarm rang persistently.

Remus swung his arm over himself, slamming it hard into the beeping device. It stopped. Remus reached back over, feeling a body that should not be there. 

Remus opened his eyes realizing his husband, Sirius Black, was still asleep. Remus hesitated, reaching over to, put a hand on his chest, shaking lightly. It didn't work. Remus shook more violently.

Sirius groaned,  sitting up slowly.

"You're late." Remus said calmly, holding out a hand. Normally, Remus would be the first out of bed, however, today was special, Sirius had to get to Birmingham for a concert.

"Late, for what?" Sirius said in his morning voice.

"The concert." Remus said, pulling him up onto his feet.

"Fuck!" Sirius exclaimed, only needing one word to be reminded of this obligation.

Remus chuckled, opening the door and going down stairs going downstairs, being greeted by two hyper dogs wanting food. He made breakfast, egg and toast. Sirius stumbled down the stairs. He rushed over to Remus, pecking his mouth, stealing the plate he was holding. Remus let out a sound in protest, but did noting about it.

"You will come, right?" Sirius said, stuffing his face.

"I can't come with you now, later. I have four more papers to mark then I'll come, I can't work with so much noise." Remus said, sitting down next to him with my plate.

"Okay! I'll be off now." Sirius said, making his way to the door.

"Wait!" I called after him.


"You forgot your jacket!" Remus handed him a leather jacket, it was covered in badges and pins.

"Oh thanks!"


"Finally." Remus huffed, pushing a stack of test papers to the side, he had been grading for an hour, and he still wasn't half way though, but he needed to stop. For his sanity, and because Sirius would be upset if he didn't make an appearance at Sirius' concert.

He walked around the house collecting everything he needed, or Sirius forgot, before saying goodbye to the two very yappy dogs, Padfoot and Moony, then leaving.

Remus decided to take the train, as the station wasn't far away from the venue. When he got there it was a big building with a very nice outside, with cars parked everywhere. As Remus entered, he saw the number of people there. Must have been like a thousand people.

Remus walked over to a security guard and showed him his backstage pass. He let Remus through. The corridor had nice red carpet, compared to the room he was just in, which had wood flooring. Remus walked along the rooms before he came to a door, which had a paper sign on it, 'Sirius Black'.

Remus knocked before inching the door open, just enough to poke his head in. Sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, sat his husband. He was combing his hair. He spun around as he saw Remus in the mirror.

"Remmy! I was worried that you might not come." Sirius ran up to Remus, pulling him into a hug.

"Of course I came, just took me longer then expected." Remus said, looking down into his grey eyes.

"Sirius, you are up!" A voice and a knock came from the door.

"Well, it's my time to shine!" Sirius said, kissing me on the cheek as he left.

Remus left the room after him to join the crowd, admiring Sirius from the side of the stage.


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