No matter what I did to help eradicate bad guys, that would never erase the fact that I'm a son of one of them.

"You look like you weren't surprised. Don't tell me..." I chuckled bitterly. So bitter that I almost tasted that bitterness inside my mouth.

"Yes, mom. I knew about what he does since I was a freshman in high school. I didn't tell you about it because he never came back after that. According to him, he came to me because I had an obligation to his organization. Apparently, I was his only heir so I had to go with him in order for him to train me." She gasped in shock and her eyes watered.

"So, you knew all these years." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I thought, I've spared you from any pain of knowing that your father is far from being a good man. I didn't want you to know about it because it might affect you as you grow up." She chuckled bitterly. "But you already knew without my knowledge."

I didn't know what to say. No one spoke for about a minute between us before I finally spoke.

"I think, I saw him during our mission earlier today, mom." She looked up at me in surprise. She knew about my job as a secret agent but I didn't tell her the name of our organization and what we really do.

"W-What? You saw him again after all these years?" I nodded my head.

"I couldn't be wrong. I'm sure that he was there but when we attacked their hideout, he was nowhere to be found together with Doctor Baron and JC." Upon uttering my son's name, pain surged within me.

The longing and sadness that I've been feeling since the day I thought he died faded when I discovered that he's still alive. But now, those feelings were replaced by pain and guilt because I couldn't save him once again. I felt so useless because I saved the other children but not my own son. I felt like punching myself over and over again.

I heard my mother gasp upon hearing my son's name.

"J-JC? You mean..."

A small smile appeared on my face. "Yes, mom. I just found out today that our beloved JC is actually alive. I don't know how it happened but I'm very thankful right now that he's alive."

"Oh, God!" She covered her mouth with her hands in obvious shock and happiness. "JC is alive? I can't believe it! Oh, thank God!" She exclaimed full of happiness as tears of joy fell from her eyes. My eyes watered as well. Until now, I still couldn't believe the good news but my happiness wouldn't be complete until I finally get him back from those fùckers.

"I was so happy too when I first learned about it but furious at the same time. I couldn't believe these people took him away from us and let us believe that he already died." My voice faltered upon uttering the last word. I looked up in order to prevent my tears from falling.

"What do you mean by what you said a while ago? Don't tell me your father has got to do with those people? He was at their hideout so he's surely involve with them." Anger was evident on her face. I clenched my jaw.

"I don't know, mom. All I know right now is he's the one who helped the enemies escape. He has JC too."

"What?! How could he do this to us?! He knew that JC was alive all along?!" Her voice was loud because of anger.

"I'm not sure about that, mom. All I want right now is to have JC back no matter what happens and I need your help for that to happen." Her eyebrows knitted together.

"Sure. How can I help you?" I didn't answer for a couple of seconds, trying to think of how to ask her in away that she wouldn't decline.

"I need to find where he's hiding, mom."

Wild Desire(The beauty & the possessive series 4)Where stories live. Discover now