chapter 36

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A/N: Hi guys! Sorry again for the late update. I just want to say that if I didn't announce that I wouldn't update for the day, it means that I will update. I've been so busy lately that's why I couldn't update early. It's past 8 pm here again. What is the time there in your country right now? I hope that you're still awake to read this update. Anyway, happy reading!

🗽©️💞ⓙ 🗽


I looked outside through the window of my car, but my mind was wandering somewhere else. I'm already on my way home. One of my men picked me up from the airport and would drop me off home.

I gritted my teeth. My conversation with my mother kept on repeating inside my head. Until now, I still couldn't believe of everything that she told me. Her voice kept on echoing inside my head while telling me the truth...

I was stunned of what she said that I couldn't react right away.

"Are you serious, mom? I thought you didn't have any communication with him ever since he left us many years ago?" I then asked in disbelief. She heaved a sigh. She suddenly looked like she aged a couple years in an instant.

"I lied about that, son." Even her voice sounded weak. My eyes went wide.

"What do you mean by you lied, mom?" She looked at me into the eyes and then smiled bitterly.

"Your dad didn't leave us because of another woman. In fact, he didn't want to leave us. I was the one who decided to leave him for good because I couldn't take what he was doing anymore." My lips parted in shock.

All my life, I've harbored resentment towards my own father because of the thought that he left us for another woman. I've witnessed how my own mother cry because of him. I really thought he chose to be with another woman instead of us, his own family.

"What made you leave him then and why did you lie to me?" I asked with an almost inaudible voice. The anger that was residing inside my heart suddenly resurfaced but this time, it wasn't as strong as it used to be and that surprised me.

"I lied to you because that was the only way I knew for you to not ask questions about him anymore. I thought if I'd do that, you would never allow him to be part of your life and could never influence you to be like him." I was shock. She sounded like she knew the truth about my own father after all.

"Influence of what?" I questioned, feigning ignorance.

"Influence to be like him who is a leader of an underground group." I felt like my whole body stiffen.

All this time, I really thought that she wasn't aware about that. I didn't tell her about it because I thought, it wasn't good for her state of mind. Yes, when I was still young, I wasn't aware of what he does but when I was in freshman of high school, he suddenly appeared and tried to convince me to go with him because apparently I was his only heir.

Naturally, I declined and the anger and resentment in my heart towards him became even more stronger. I already detested him that time because I thought, he left us but that feeling doubled when he told me that.

Even though I resented him back then, there was still a tinge of hope inside of me that he would eventually change his mind and come back to us. But yes, he indeed came back but not for the reason I was expecting back then.

Because of that, I chose to join the ET VINDEX to help erase all the bad people in this world. I didn't want to be like him. I tried my best to forget about the fact that my own father was one of those bad guys that I hunt after but now, that fact slapped me in the face again.

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