"I... do, I love him so much..."

"Then what are you afraid of?"

Shoto didn't answer.

"Look, Shoto... I know I shouldn't be saying this, coming out from a toxic relationship, but... there will be times where you'd face a huge hurdle that would make you think twice if you've made the right choice in standing by each other's side, but that would be the perfect time to realize how much your love would conquer it. Anger is a basic human emotion and there would be times where you'd get angry at each other, sometimes you'd even get to the point that you'd hurt each other's feelings... but... after you've cooled down, you'd realize that your love is bigger than the anger you've felt and that where you'll find out that the fear you're feeling right now... is nothing compared to how strong your love is for that person..."

Shoto took his time before answering. "What if I hurt him so much that he can't forgive me?"

Rei smiled. "Have you tried and asked for forgiveness yet?"


"If he loves you just the same... he'd be able to forgive you," Rei answered.

Shoto gave her a smile before giving his mother a hug.

"When I get back, I want to meet him... okay? So you better go and claim this omega," Rei said, making both of them laugh.


"I'm home..." Shoto announced as he took his shoes off and went to the living room-- stopping halfway in entering when he saw his father, Enji, sitting on the couch.

Enji turned-- his blue eyes meeting Shoto's bi-colored ones. "Welcome home," he grumbled before standing up.

Shoto looked away, his anger simmering. "You're home early," he replied.

"Had a free time at work so I figured I'd go home early," Enji answered.

"Good for you," Shoto said before he turned his back on his father. "Call me when dinner's ready, I'll be in my room... sir,"

"Your sister told me you went to your mother... is that true?" Enji asked, making the younger alpha stop at his tracks.

"So what if it was?" Shoto asked, his back still facing Enji.

"H-how... how is she?"

"Better now that she's not here," Shoto spat.

 ... I'd wake up in the morning and find flowers on my bedside table were the times your father came in for a visit...

"She told me you've been dropping by and visiting her... why is that?" Shoto asked, turning back to his father and was taken aback when he saw Enji's usual cold and hard stares were soft and full of regret.

"Did she now?" Enji asked, "I didn't think she'd figure out that it was me visiting, the doctor's said she never gave out a hint that she knew it was me leaving those flowers at night,"

"Well she did," Shoto said, "And as crazy as it sounds she says she forgives you for what you did and that we should do too..."

Enji pursed his lips. "I won't ask for your forgiveness... I know you kids hate me after everything I did, especially you..." he said, "But I'd still try my best to change and be a better father to you, my children..."

Shoto looked away. "Stop saying cheesy things, it doesn't suit you," he mumbled. "Besides... I never said that I won't forgive you... it would take a long time for me to do it though,"

Enji's mouth slowly twitched into a smile before giving Shoto a pat on the shoulder. "I'll be willing to wait for that day... son,"


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