Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Frank's been in ICU for almost a whole day. I've been sitting in the waiting room for most of it, considering the fact that boyfriends (apparently) don't count as family. I feel empty, and everyone's noticed the way I sit curled up. Not moving. Not speaking. Occasionally Ava has tried to get me to acknowledge her and tell her the story behind the attack, but I can't bring myself to repeat it. Not now. Not when I've failed Frank in such a way.

I've completely zoned out, not even aware of anything around me, when a large pair of hands grabs me. Whoever it is pulls me away from my chair and into an empty hallway where they slam me against a wall. I finally look up and see Bob looking at me with a livid expression. Ray is behind him, looking very uncomfortable with the situation.

"What the fuck did you do to him?!" Bob growls in a low voice. I just blink at him uncomprehendingly, "I got a call from some girl saying Frank is in the hospital. Now tell me: what. Did. You. Do?"

Frank is in the hospital. Hearing the words spoken in that way sets something off inside me. I start breathing heavily and my knees give out. Only Bob's hands keep me standing. I try to open my mouth, to tell him what happened, but thinking the words brings it all flooding back. I squeeze my eyes shut to try and block the images but it doesn't help.

"Come on, Bob. That's not the face of someone who intentionally hurt his boyfriend. Whatever happened, I'm sure it was an accident. Let him go." Ray's voice barely registers in my mind.

"I don't give a fuck if it was an accident. I told Frank this would happen. He didn't listen, and now look where he is!"

He didn't tell Frank this would happen. I did. I told him he'd get hurt being around me. I told him I couldn't let him out of my sights once we knew Mikey was after him. Mikey...He did this. It wasn't me...It wasn't me...

"It wasn't me..." the words sound weak even to me.

"Don't give me that bullshit." Bob spits.

I look up at him, "It wasn't me," It's all I can find the words for.

"Bob just let him go! He loves Frank, and if he says he didn't do it then I believe him."

Bob growls but throws me to the ground before stalking off. I think I hear him muttering something about filthy vamp lovers. Then Ray is crouched next to me, trying to calm me down.

"Gerard you need to breath. Everything's going to be okay. You just have to tell me what happened."

Something about his calm voice gets through. The words tumble from my mouth as I tell him the story. All of it, including the fact that Frank wanted to become a vampire...No, not wanted. Wants. He's not dead yet. When I get done Ray has a gentle smile on his face.

"I knew you were innocent, though Bob wouldn't see it that way if he knew you're planning on turning Frank."

"It's what he wants."

He nods, "But if he was a vampire...How would you feed?"

"That girl...Ava...She feeds without killing, so I know it's possible. Don't worry about it."

Another nod and he stands, lifting me with him, "Come on, you look like you need some fresh air."

I follow along silently. It almost feels like I'm slipping back into a daze save for Ray's gentle voice staying consistent in my ear. Something about a job he did the other day. Apparently the creature reminded him of me, except he was completely feral. That's why he was worried the moment he heard about Frank and saw me in that chair. My mind zones in on his words, and I almost don't notice the large orange and red stripe across the horizon.

I stop, "Nice try, hunter, but the sun's not down yet."

He blinks at me before looking out the door, "Oh! I didn't even think about it. Sorry."

I turn to go back to my seat, but am instead met with the sight of Ava, and she looks Grim.

"Gerard..." She throws herself in my arms.

I make shushing sounds and pet her hair, "What's wrong?"

She mumbles into my shirt before realizing I can't hear her, "They're trying their last resort on Frank. If it doesn't work they're going to declare him un-fixable...I mean, they said a lot of medical mumbo jumbo, but...Is that a hunter?!"

She jumps back with a hiss and glares at Ray who puts his hands up, "I won't hurt you. I'm a friend of Frank and...Gerard. You must be Ava."

"Why? Creating a profile? You'll never get me!"

I can't help it, I laugh. She's just acting so comical, "Ava...Ava, it's okay. Ray's cool. I mean, how can someone with hair like that not be?"

She seems to think a bit, then reaches up to feel Ray's hair, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Anyway..." And her tone goes serious again, "You know what this means, right?"

I nod, completely ready for what she's about to tell me, "There's just one problem. The woman who turned me didn't stick around, so I don't know anything about being a monster. And that includes how to make more."

"She didn't or you didn't...Either way, it doesn't matter. I've got enough knowledge for the both of us." It's the first time I've heard her sound her age.

A/N: I am so so so so so so so sorry! I can't believe I forgot about this AGAIN! And I left you with such an awful cliffhanger! Last two chapters are going up today. I PROMISE. So please enjoy. Sorry!

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