
Chung-ho gave a sinister laugh. "It seems that I've caught myself a pest", the man said, thinking about all the stuff he could do with him, a smile took over his lips watching how the boy run like a frighten puppy.


Ever since a week ago I have notice how much Taehyung was eyeing me, or to be more precise stalking. Every day was like a comedy show, watching how he continuously snoop around, struggling to find evidence/faulty backgrounds about me. Having Taehyung around was like playing fetch with a puppy, but the only problem was this one was in a form of a human. It never seize to amaze me, at every chance how null he was from noticing signs of danger. Why I say this you ask? Hahaha well-

It is quite funny, quite funny indeed how obvious he was, I gave him the chance to learn something I kept under lock and key and yet he didn't say anything to his fellow friends. I wonder why? Even so, Of course I can't have someone blowing my cover. So I got to do what I got to do, to prevent that idiot of a boss to bicker my ears off. Poor thing doesn't know what lies ahead of him. But for now, Let the game begin!


I can't believe I put off my twenty-four hours spent with Miyako just for this guy, this is the worst case ever.

And to think I would also leave my class early just so I didn't loose him. Ha! This here my friend, is called dedication to something i didn't want to sign up for. Not only that I came early, I came too early. The guy didn't leave the classroom for over 30 plus minutes! What the hell is he doing? Making out with someone. When I begin to get impatient he suddenly emerge from the door, and as always wearing the silly smile. I wait until he was far enough not to see me, to began my tail after him.

I followed him to a scary looking place. A place that gives you the heebies-jeebies. Almost like where gangsters hangout at night. My thoughts was screaming to me to turn back, but I block it from my mind and swallowed thickly, ignoring the warning I regret not to listen to. I continue to go further, turning left into a dark alleyway with lots of graphic painting on the walls. How in the god giving world did he find this place!? I never once saw this, even though I walk pass here everyday. Wait, forget I ever say anything. Now I feel like I don't know much about this street, in spite of the fact that I have been to this school for almost 5 years. Nonetheless, why does it seems like I have make a very bad mistake. Seeing that I follow the guy to a lonley, supposedly- Dead end!

Not only did I do the unforgivable, he was staring straight into my face with the most sickest smile.

"Taehyung. It was nice meeing you here. How about you? Are you glad to see me" My heartbeat picks up. Did he know I was following him and purposely lead me here. This is bad.

Not giving it much thought, I quickly turn on my heels and sped off. Even if I don't know what the frick is going on, I am not going to be the one to stick around and find out. The moment I was nearing the end of this suffocating place, I felt a hand grabbed on the color of my shirt and yank me back, hauling my body on the dirtied floor. Struggling to escape his hold a scream left my lips and I was roughly thrown in the air, hitting my head on the wall before I finally land face first on the ground. With the only image of his face showing me that previous smile, I black out.



"Hey wake up!".

I groan, slowly opening my eyes and drunkly looked up, before I felt a pain struck me in my head. With a shriek I tried to lift my hands, but it wouldn't move, I test it again, just to see that it was tied to a chair, along with my feet. Reality struck me harder than I rock as I frantically looked around. Where am I? And why am I tied to a chair!

"So you're awake. Finally, I was beginning to get bored" a familiar voice said, I narrowly look towards the direction of the sound, to find-

"Chung-Chung-ho?" I exasperated, my face was impassive, but inside I was highly strung, fighting not to show how frighten I am.

"Hey" he answered in a weary voice.

What is going on?

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