School Phone Calls ✓

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Of course other family members aren't as smart as Maria. Clint was particularly bad at remembering when he was in different time zones to Peter. On the other hand, he loved getting calls from his uncle as it meant everything had gone smoothly and efficiently and everyone was fine.

Luckily, Peter was in computing when Clint called. The teacher was less strict and usually let people answer phone calls from family in case it's an emergency. Of course, it was Clint so he didn't have to worry about that.

"We're on the way back, what do you want for dinner?"
"You do know I'm in class, right?"
"Nope. What do you want?"
"Spaghetti and meatballs." He got a few weird looks from his class mates as his teacher walked over. "Thanks uncle Clint. See you tonight." Peter hung up before he could get a reply.

Other times they needed his help. Those were his favourite phone calls - but they were possibly the worst timed ones. Tony needing him to find a blueprint of one of Howard's designs at three in the morning, Bruce calling as he walked into school to avoid turning into the Hulk, Clint getting new ideas for his arrows as he's trying to fall asleep, the Avengers needing him to hack a security system to let them through the doors while he was doing homework. It was all very inconvenient - he helped of course, but it didn't mean their timing didn't annoy him. And he loved helping them, loved knowing he was the one they came to. Not Pepper, Thor, Tony or Natasha. He felt useful even if he couldn't go on many big missions because of school (and Natasha being protective).

So when the National Anthem started sounding out from his pocket at lunch, Peter was grateful, if a little annoyed. He picked up and put his phone between his ear and shoulder as he undid the cap of a particularly stiff water bottle for Ned.

"Peter, thank god I got through, Nat didn't pick up. I'm on a mission but I can't work out the computer. Do you know how to hack the systems?"
"Possibly. Check the model and send me the IP address and I'll open it up for you."
"How do I find the IP address?" Peter sighed and walked out the room to explain it to the anachronistic man. Once he got the information he needed, the chestnut haired boy hacked the computer Steve wanted from a school computer he had found and pulled up all hidden files.

And of course he had the bad news too. Not everything in his life was sunshine and rainbows.

While working on Pythagoras's theorem, Salute by Little Mix blasted from the phone he swore he'd put on silent.

"Hey honey, I've been compromised, not gonna be home for a few days." The redhead was clearly stressed and before he could utter a word, she hung up. In a blind panic, he accidently broke a handful of his desk off. Luckily for him no-one noticed or he would have been in trouble, he stuffed the wood into his bag in a hope he wouldn't be found out.

Once he got home and started to talk about it, he found out that he was the only person she had told as she only had seconds to spare before being caught and destroying the device.

Gym class was the worst - he had always had to hold back, but even more so since he got his powers - so when he got a call from Tony he scrambled to get to the stands where his phone was to pick it up. As soon as he accepted he started chatting.
"Hey, I'm so glad you called, I really hate gym class, it's so boring. Why do we even need it anyway? Like, it should be optional, knowing another language is way more important and useful than knowing how to throw a ball. Wait, why are you calling? What's up?" The teenage boy was practically bouncing with excitement of getting out of working out.
"We don't know if Nat is going to make it this time, you need to come home and say goodbye just in case." He stood stock still, face blank for a moment before he fully registered what had been said. A tear slipped down his face causing MJ, who had been watching in concern, to run over and check on him. All he did was hand over the phone as more tears slid down his rapidly paling cheeks. He vaguely heard his girlfriend talking to the billionaire but couldn't focus until the teacher started asking the girl what was going on.
"His mum was in an accident, they don't know if she'll survive the day. We have to go." Before the teacher replied, Peter started walking out the hall with tears streaming down and sobs racking his body. Ned and MJ ran after him, and walked him the six miles to the compound. Ned was sweating and panting like a dog, MJ was dragging her feet and Peter's tears had dried by the time they got there.

He had never seen Maria break down until that horrible day. He walked in to see her sobbing into Pepper's shoulder as the redhead attempted to hold back tears but failed. Wanda was curled in Visions chest and Steve was looking at Natasha through the class. Alone, he walked up to the surface and placed his hand firmly against it and then his forehead followed - the few times Peter had been seperated from his mother by glass they had done this on either side and it was the closest they could get. When he opened his eyes again and looked up, the doctors were getting the defib ready. Peter turned away, unable to watch and made eye contact with Tony - the man wasn't particularly close with the spy, but they were always there for each other and nearly always supported each other. It made sense, Natasha didn't trust many people but Tony was one of them. Peter supposed it was that she had known the man the longest out of the other Avengers, and they had a pretty good rapport, even if their personalities contrasted like no other.

Tony opened his arms and Peter practically fell into the man's chest, sobs wracking his body but no tears fell as he struggled to breath. Tony hugged him tight and rubbed his back soothingly while whispering calming sentiments into the boy's ear.

"Everything will be okay Pete, it's Natasha we're talking about."

A week later the redhead woke up, and Peter relaxed, but it had been a long week, full of hugs with Wanda, Maria, Tony (which surprised everyone), Tro and MJ.

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