Part 2

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The next day, you and your group of selected people headed out to your said location. Now you were just waiting on top of a cliff behind some bushes for the train to slowly approach the place.

*whistling sound of alarm*

The train was all nod at each other and watched the tunnel as the yellow train appeared from it.


You started counting in a whisper as your finger impatiently lingered above the red button.


The train was getting closer.


You pressed the button and the bombs went off, blowing up the train in the air then overthrowing it to the left side until it landed and stood still.

"WOO BABY!" You laughed and everyone cheered victoriously at once. You forgot how fun blowing shit up was as most of your riots were stealth based.

"GO GO" you yelled and started making your way down to the collapsed train on the gravel. Once you and your group of people got infront of the train, you all brought out your guns and were ready to shoot down the canyons that are supposed to appear on top of it in case of emergency but....there weren't any. In fact, everything was quiet and everyone gave each other confused looks.

You gestured with your hand to your team to stay where they were and cautiously approached the train closer, examining it.
"This is rather...strange" you said to yourself and got on one of its doors to pry it open. Once opened, it appears that the train was empty and it was delivering nothing "what the hell?..."
You swore you could start to hear distant sounds...

"It was a trap!!" Suddenly one of your people yelled out of no where, making you turn around with no surprise. They were pointing at huge yellow cars that were now surrounding all of you in one big circle.


"Everyone stay put!!" You yelled and pulled down your mask so your face was hidden. It was a part of your leadership, no one knew how you looked like beside your own people for a reason. Almost everyone aimed their guns at all the cars but some of them got scared and did nothing, as they probably realized that we were outnumbered by a few loader bots like last time.
"God dammit! Dont let them surround us, we can do this! Fire!" With that said sentence, you and your people started shooting the cars before anyone even came out of those and attacked on some of the loader bots with your melee weapons as well.

You got through all the loader bots that got on top of the train with you pretty easily, with your handy axe made of skag bone, but then the soldiers finally came out of the cars too with no harm cuz the windows were bullet proof and your people started going down one by one....
"NO!!" You yelled, hid behind the train as cover and stopped shooting to get out of their sights, there was literally nothing more you could do about this situation. They had precise aim. If you started shooting again, you'd be dead in a second.

Thou finally, all the shooting stopped and there was now nothing left but two pleading voices for mercy.
"N-no please dont kill us we surrender!" You heard one of your people say as you kept hiding behind the train.
"Fuck how did they find us and get here so quickly??" You whispered to yourself as you held your gun closer to your chest, holding your breath steady as well.
"Yes please for the love of our leader, dont shoot" you could hear the last two remaining people throwing away their guns and kneeling down to the ground. You didnt know what to do, there was still too many of them.

"Ooh what do we here, it seems that the so called "rebels" aren't so tough after all huh" without even having a glance at the person who just spoke, you knew exactly who that was. Everyone would recognize that guy just by the sound of his grading voice.
Handsome jack himself was here...your fist clenched in anger as you thought of his name but you waited to hear what will happen further. How the hell did he know we'd attack this train today in the first place?? You thought

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