chapter 1

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Craig P.O.V

"God damn it! I'm so fucking stupid! I told my mom and dad that I'm gonna be bringing my boyfriend home for Christmas and I don't have a fucking boyfriend! No one will pretend either to help me out..." I say as I slam my tray down in the college cafeteria and sit down with Clyde, Tweek and Token. "I don't get why none of you will go with me!"

"Dude, I love ya like a brother and all but No one will believe you're dating any of us, man." Clyde said while looking up from his pizza. All of the others nodded and hummed to say that they agree.

"I fucking hate you all..." I mumble as I stab my salad with my fork and rest my head on my hand. "Wait... what if I ask Kyle? Broflovski? Don't look at me like that dumbasses! He's actually alright... I mean it! Fuck this..." I could tell that none of them believed me no matter what I was gonna say so I stood up and walked across the cafeteria and slammed my hand on the table next to Kyle and watched him practically 20ft in the air.

"Jesus! Tucker what the fuck!?" He dropped his hot coffee and it spilled all over the table. "Shit!"

"Oh fuck! I'm sorry! We need to talk. I'll buy you another coffee if you let me talk to you in private..." I can't belie I'm about to do this shit...

"Umm, Ok? Let's go then!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the line for drinks. "So what's up man?"

"The thing is... I've asked all of my friends and they all said No, and you don't actually seem as bad as everyone says you are and... well... I guess I'm trying to say... Will you come home with me for Christmas? I know you don't get along with your family that much and I need someone to pretend to be my boyfriend... Will you do it?" Fuck, I know he's gonna say no.

"Sure! Free meals and a place to stay? Hell yeah!" He smiled really brightly and he actually looks really pretty. Wait what!? Why would I even think that!?

I shook my head to try and rid my mind of the gay thoughts.

"You ok over there Tucker? Or wait, should I call you Craig if I'm gonna pretend to be your boyfriend?"

"Uh yeah Sure, so should I call you Kyle?"



Me and Kyle were loading our stuff into the back of my car to get ready for Christmas with my family.

"Oh and I haven't told my parents anything about you so it's fine in that regard, don't worry. All I told them was that we're in the same year at school."

"Oh Ok! Let's go then!"

"Yeah let's go."

High School Sweethearts // Craig X KyleWhere stories live. Discover now