Part 2

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Kyle P.O.V 

Me and Craig were currently in his car, driving down to see in parents in buttfuck nowhere, colorado. Now that I'm thinking about it, he might have actually told me the name of the town... South Park! That's it! Well, anyway, me and Craig were on our way to go and spend Christmas with his family in his home town. This is gonna be fun. Note the sarcasm. I don't even know anything about his family for God's sake! 

"Hey, dude? If you want this to be believable, then don't you think that A. I should know a little bit about your family and B. That we should come up with what we're going to tell them if they ask how and when we got together?" I asked breaking the comfortable silence and cringing at the sound of my own voice in the quiet air.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. I guess so." Craig mumbled. He never has been much for long sentences. I noticed that the first time I met him. He couldn't really care less about people's opinions on him either. It's not hard to see why he would be the ideal partner in some people's eyes though. I mean, he's gorgeous, his eyes are stunning, he has a light dusting of freckles across the bridge of his nose, his piercings look cool as fuck, he's ripped, he has a six-pack, he's fucking amazing at sports, he's smart and he's an amazing cook from what I've heard. He's honestly my dream guy as well... And by that I mean I've had a crush on him since I met him two years ago.

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