Chapter 7

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As i descended the staircase mum gave me a surprised look while Zara just kept on smiling like she won a jackpot.
"Is the my Sweetie?" My mum asked with a smile.
"Now you look like a proper girl" Zara said and I gave her a proper glare
"Mum am going out to someone's birthday party" She gave me a suprised look cause I normally dont go for such.
"Ok dear, but be back before 6pm"
"No problem mum. Thanks"

I followed Zara outside to her black Mercedes. I entered the passenger seat and in less than 15 minutes we were at his estate gate. I found out his estate was 10 street away from mine. Yea I was counting. At the gate of the estate the security men did some security checks and we were allowed inside. Gracious Lord!! Every house in the estate spelt expensive. Walter's house was the last house in the estate. You could hear the blasting of loud Nigerian music. We got into the compound and found where to seat.
"Zara, I thought parties are meant to be inside the house?" I shouted so that she could hear me
"Not all but some are." I could see so many of my schoolmates most especially SS3students. Well they are the celebrant's classmate. I sighted a suya stand, yummy so he hired one. I told Zara about it and she went to get one for us.

I kept on looking around and
guess who I saw, the second cutest guy in school, Giovanni. He was actually sitting alone, normally girls are meant to be flocking around him. He's a bad player. He changes his girlfriend just the way he changes his underwear. It's boys like him that makes girls regret falling in love. Well, let's go look for trouble. I stood up, walked over to his table and sat next to him.
"Seems like someone lost his customers."
He chuckled a bit
"Leya, How are you?" wow, he know my name. That's weird.
"I'm meant to be asking you that cause your girls have left you for the next cutetest guy." I said and gave him a mocking smile.
"Nope, I just needed some space."
"Really? After you used them. You don tire now eh(You are tired now)."
"Are you here to mock me or what?"
"No oh, how will I?" I said with sarcasm well blended in my words. After few minutes of silence we started talking about random thing mostly movies and cartoon. I didn't know he watches spongebob squarepants, I thought I was a wierd species of teenager. He was funny though. Then an angry voice popped out of no where.
"Leya, what are you doing with this fool." It was Zara and her face wasn't in a nice shape at all.
"That's harsh na, be nice a bit."
"Really? Be nice. We both know this idiot is a fucking player."
"Slow down girl. We haven't reached there. I just came here to talk since you were taking long." I know she dislikes the boy but she was going a bit far.
"I know I deserve names but....." Giovanni said but he was interrupted halfway by Zara. It was clear that he was getting angry.
"I don't think we called "Giovanni" into our conversation." She said stressing Giovanni making it the key word.
"Zara can you seat down and hear me out."
"Yea, Sure I would love to hear all about this" She said sitting down and giving Giovanni a murderous look which he wasn't moved by. If looks could kill Giovanni would have been dead by now.
"So where is the suya?" She brought it out and kept it on the table. I opened it and started eating it with my hand while Zara used a toothpick. I gave Giovanni my toothpick so that he could join us. Zara gave me a suspicious look which i ignored. He thanked me and started eating. Giovanni brought up a topic just to clear the tension in the air and it helped. He has a very good sense of humour cause angry Zara was now laughing her lungs out. Gracious Lord!

Zara is just protecting her bestfriend tho.
I know this chapter is kind of short but please don't forget to tap the star button and comment. Thank you💖💖
Good night dearies👄👄

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