The moment the black spears imbedded themselves in Crona's body.. each spear detonated in a tremendous black explosion of Spirit Energy.

Crona fell back so she was leaning her back against the wall of the church as Hollow Ichigo lunged at her.  Hollow Ichigo then began sweeping and bashing his blade against Ragnarok's blade.. relentlessly and mercilessly, as Crona began sinking lower and lower against the wall.. looking completely out of his mind with confusion.

"H-how do I deal with it... how do I deal with it!?" Crona kept on muttering as Hollow Ichigo kept on laughing and laughing.

Suddenly, in one clean slice.. Tensa Zangetsu cleaved across Ragnarok's blade, breaking the Demon Sword in one tremendous cut.... and the other half of the blade clattered onto the floor..


"Calm down Crona!! I can regenerate with Black Blood!" Ragnarok exclaimed. "You need to get out of here now!! This kid is completely mental!!! And you're way too useless to fight 'im!!!"

"Useless!?" said Hollow Ichigo he grabbed Crona and threw him back.. and then grabbed something on Crona's back.. in one fluid moment.. Hollow Ichigo pulled Ragnarok's muscular humanoid form right out of Crona's back.. (though the other half of Ragnarok's body is still fused to Crona.. through black blood)

"H-How the hell!?" said Ragnarok.

"Listen up puppy... the only useless one.. is the blade that decides to break when his master needs him!!" said Hollow Ichigo.


"WHAT WOULD I KNOW ABOUT IT!!? HA!!! FOOL!!" Hollow Ichigo's grin grew disturbingly wide. "You have no idea what the hell I am!!!"

Hollow Ichigo sliced his blade straight through Ragnarok's torso.. dispelling him in a splatter of black blood.. he then pointed his blade at Crona's throat.  "But what do I care!? I mean.. the both of you.. Ragnarok.. Crona.. are about to.. DIEEEE!!!!!"

Hollow Ichigo swung Tensa Zangetsu's blade down.. only to suddenly have the blade parried by a familiar looking red and black scythe..

Maka used Soul to bash away the Tensa Zangetsu's blade as Hollow Ichigo jumped back.

"Well well well.. New pets!" said Hollow Ichigo.

"Ichigo.. if you're still in there... don't let this guy get to you!!" Maka yelled.

"Careful Maka.. it doesn't look like this guy is interested in playing nice." Soul's voice echoed from the scythe.

"Who are you anyways!!?" Maka yelled at Hollow Ichigo.

"Who am I... WHO AM I!?" Hollow Ichigo laughed. "I am...ZANGETSU!!!!"

"You have got to be kidding me.." Soul muttered.

"HAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" 'Zangetsu' dashed at Maka.. swinging his black blade wildly.. Maka spun her scythe around skillfully, blocking the wild blows and swinging back with an attack of her own..

But Tensa Zangetsu's Hyperspeed was just too fast to even land a single hit as Hollow Ichigo blitzed in and out of view.. hammering Maka back with his powerful blows..

"Maka!! We're not going to last long like this!!" Soul shouted. "We need to finish him in one hit!!"


"I don't want to hurt Ichigo either... but it's for his own good!!"

"Alright.. sorry about this Ichigo.." Maka said. "Let's do this.. SOUL RESONANCE!!!"

Soul Reapers Work For Death: Book 1, World of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now