Alpha Kane: Review

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'Alpha Kane' by Amina Adamou
This book was referred to me on Wattpad and I was sent a section of the prologue, I must say my interest was peaked.
The story has a female protagonist which is faced with one may say a tragedy in a world inhabited by Werewolves and other mythical creatures, the rejection of a mate (soul mate). At first the character is introduced as an unsocial person, may be due to circumstance and the hierarchy that is endowed. The story line may seem to touch on a slightly cliché storyline at first but was I proved wrong when I read the first chapter. The protagonist by the name of Ember Yale is one what may be called a spitfire on the inside but can't always express such attitudes and comes out as slightly shy. Once Ember Yale is faced with rejection she doesn't wallow in self pity, no, she expresses her anger whether it be in her thoughts or words although the author does embark on a theme of self doubt.

The theme of self doubt seems to be leading to journey of learning self worth which can be picked on in the series of things the author chosed its characters to say, one quote of a character that stood out to me was, " A man who does not know your worth is unworthy of your thoughts.''

The start of the story is mainly described in a school setting from the beginning chapters. Ember Yale is faced with bullying and public scrutiny due to her status amongst other things. Interestingly the emotions she faces can represent many of the feelings a teenager currently can feel whether it be due to bullying. I applaud the author for touching on emotions such as jealousy and insecurity but also appreciation as they are a reflection of what people feel at all ages, no matter young or old. But appreciation is something one feels and the Ember has the appreciation of her companions, friends or acquaintances as one may refer eventhough she may not always express it.

The world that is created fascinates me in this story is it is not just werewolves that are involved but other mythological creatures that make that story more interesting as well as diverse. The relationships created between the different species are unique as when in the story Ember couldn't find comfort in her own species or pack she found it elsewhere and created a stronger bond in my opinion which makes this story quite remarkable if I may say so myself.

The story touches on a cliché plot with rejection, this I cannot deny. However takes a unique approach in involving more different mythical creatures and I'd say takes a slower pace. The first chapters may lead readers to infer and conclude what may happen in the end although I do not know myself how the story truly ends, this is only what I base on of the many stories I've read. You can taste the sense of adventure and risks in this story and unexpected plot twists I have read which Ember Yale truly does not expect , especially with (SPOILER ALERT) ...


In general from what I read in just a few chapters I'd recommend the story to read especially if you appreciate the lesson of self worth and appreciation and a journey of possibly forgiveness, as well as fantasy and a live for mythical creatures and most of all WEREWOLVES. I made my opinion if I would like to read this book further once I read the prologue and 1st chapter, just saying but it differs for different people.

Please Note: This story is paid on AnyStories
Hope you enjoy the story!!!
Below is the introduction from the author:

Please Note: This story is paid on AnyStoriesHope you enjoy the story!!!Below is the introduction from the author:

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Hey, please do check out my new review of The Bite series on my profile, it's a free story on Wattpad. Honestly it's amazing and also has the theme of werewolves;)

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