My eyes fell shut, and I sighed so hard my shoulders sagged. "Yeah, I do."

"So, let's go. You've put it off enough." I opened my eyes to see him walking towards me. "Also, you happen to have a your day off today."

"Lucky me, huh." My reply was dry as I met his dark eyes. "You could've atleast given me a warning. I'm sweaty, wearing horrible clothes and don't even have any makeup on."

"You're still pretty hot." He leaned in again, licking his lips suggestively.

I turned my head to side and sighed. "I guess low standards don't change with a demon inhabiting the body."

He pouted. That was actually a cute look on him. "That's rude."

I scratched my head, giving in with a smile. "It is. No offense, Axel."

Axel relaxed, smiling back at me. "Like you could hurt me." He raised his hand to gently hold my chin, pushing it up. "You're too pretty to hurt me."

I raised my hand, stopping his lips from touching mine. "Let's head outside first, Axel."

"Very romantic, Ryleigh." He mumbled to my hand.

"Demons don't seem like the romance type, Axel." I turned away from him, walking over to the switchboard. I could hear him follow. "Where were you all these days?"

"I am a demon, Ryleigh." He stepped to the side, holding the door open for me. "I do have other clients."

"Clients?" I raised an eyebrow as I walked past him. "Your day job?"

"Nah." I felt his lips by my ear. "My demon job."

"Ooh." My eyes went to Axel's as he stepped out as well. The door fell shut. "Extorting others out of a night too?"

"No." He pecked my cheek, smiling against my skin. "It's just you, babe."

I leaned away from Axel, throwing him a glare again. "Ask next time."

He grinned mischievously at me. "Couldn't resist. Been thinking about this for a while."

I laughed to myself, twisting the key and turning to face him. "So, now what? Did you plan something, or is this it?"

Axel gasped, placing a hand on his chest and leaning back. "Do you doubt me?"

"Yes." My reply was blunt.

"Ouch, first of all." He shrugged, dropping the hand. "And yeah, no plans. I figured I could keep you occupied the entire night."

"Really?" My voice was sceptical. Some of the suggestive look in his eye vanished. "That's lame."

"Okay. That hurt."

I could feel the eyes of the Hunters on me. Something in my gut told me I would get a lot of shit for this. Something else in my gut told me I didn't care anymore. My eyes went across the street, a small smile crossing my face. "You want to go to the beach?"

"Beach?" Axel cocked his head, taking a few moments to think about it. "It would be pretty nice this time of the night."

"Romantic, even." I smiled as I met his eyes again.

Axel laughed easily, taking a step back and holding out his hand. "Romance is the theme of the night then, my lady."

I rolled my eyes, reaching out to place my hand in his. "'My lady'? Jeez, Axel. How old are y-"

My words were sucked out of me as we vanished into the vacuum of darkness. The chill covered me and the voices sang in my head. Axel's hand was my only anchor in this void. However, this trip was much longer than the one to my apartment.

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