Chapter 15

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We pulled into Nicole's house, a small quaint one story house that seemed to actually belong on a farm in southern Virginia than in a suburb. Nathan sprinted to the door the second the car stopped and rushed to give Nicole a big hug. Jason and I took it slow and eventually got to the door, just not at a speed that pleased Nicole.

"You guys are so slow! Hurry up it's cold!" She was in jeans and a sheer long sleeve shirt.

"Not my fault I like it slow and steady! I didn't know you wanted it fast." The double meaning wasn't lost on her or Jason. Although I got a warning glare from Nathan meaning, don't push your luck Asher.

Jason and Nathan had spent a week planning exactly how to impress Rauri. Brainstorming ideas, looking through Rauri's diary and asking other girls what they would like. The ideas ranged from flowers to a fully on specticle to show affection, that's when we decided that girl's each want something different from a relationship. Well, I guess other than sex that is.

Appearently, Jason didn't like the guy, Matt, that took her on a date. Said that he had convinced the poor kid that they knew each other from school, asked him about Rauri and that was all it took. MAtt had appearently said something about getting lucky like olds times, obvious going along with Jason's lie that they knew each other.

"That kid was a punk! Hoping he'd get to have sex with my sister!"

"But you'll let Asher try to date her?" Nathan asked pulling Nicole closer to him, absentmindedly at the mention of sex with me.

"I know where he lives." Jason said glaring at me with a warning. 

"So Nicole, to get to the point of why we're actually here. How can I woo Rauri?" She started laughing, a small tingle of laughter.

"Oh so that's why ya'll came. To pump me for information." Nicole had been dating Nathan for a few months, especially when I stopped trying to get girls she helped me stay -- well attempt -- to stay celebate.

Her home was welcoming, it was open on the inside to simulate a close bonding feeling that took over while we were here. We tended to meet in the patio, the room was filled with windows giving a connotation to being outside while still having a roof over our heads. While today was Nathan's birthday we sat in the kitchen chowing down on cake.

She had made Nathan's favorite and had inedevriantly won over Jason and I with a piece of chocolate cake. No more girlfriend jokes, well that's a lie, there's always a good one that can't be passed up. 

"Look Asher, you're fighting a losing battle. If the girl doesn't want you know what makes you think 'wooing' her will work." She said putting air qoutes around wooing. "And who the hell says woo any way?"

"I say it. I know it will work because we made a bet."

Jason started laughing so hard he began to choke on the piece of cake. When he recovered his breath he said, "The player just got played."

"How so?" I asked.

"Because she can just say it wasn't what she wanted and you'll lose." 

Reliezation washed over me, I knew Rauri had played me. That's why she had made the bet with me, because she knew she could win unless I went all out. Although, That's exactly what I plan on doing.

"Nicole tell me everything a girl would want."

"Depends on the girl! You should know that we aren't all the same Asher!"

"I know, trust me, I know." I gave her a wink causing Nathan to hit me in the arm as a second warning.

 "Just tell him something to help him, we didn't get much from Rauri's diary." Jason said with a smirk, he had learned a lot about guys that he'd be talking to later for "macin' on his little sister as she quaintly put it in her diary.

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