Chapter 28

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I'm sure this is long over do, but I was easily distracted and my sister sent me something from shutterfly. Which if you know me at all I LOVE taking pictures :)

Here you go, one of the last remaining chapters about 3 more to go guys!

Vote/ comment love xxnightstripexx


Rauri was so eager to go out to dinner, it was like she hadn't eaten all day. Although, it could have been jitters too, maybe she was nervous, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why. We had been dating for over five months and yet, she seemed nervous about being with me tonight.

"Are you alright?" I asked as we rolled up to a stop light.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She stated with a gentle sigh.

"You're lying Rauri. What's up?"

"It's prom."

"Really? Well, I guess that explains why I'm in a tux and you're in a long gown." I said with a hint of laughter to let her know I was kidding. Although, when she turned to me with worry in her eyes I knew this was the wrong time to joke around. "Just bluntly tell me what's wrong please."

"I'm not having sex with you. I won't until I get married, if you're even that lucky." She said with a laugh that was so genuine it made tears trickle out of her eyes.

"I wasn't planning on seducing you or anything Rauri. So you have no worries with me about tonight. I promise."

Her worries seemed to lift with that knowledge and she relaxed into the chair with a gentle smile on her face. When we pulled into the parking lot and the italian resturant came into view the smile grew much bigger, she must have been hungry because she impaciently waited for me to turn off the car.

When I went to get out to open the door for her, she was already out bouncing around on the balls of her feet even in three inch high heels.

"Are you hungry?" I jokingly asked.

"Yes! My mom made me eat at eleven so that I could go get my hair, make up and manicure done." Rauri stated with a groan.

"I like being a guy. I was playing video games until about 20 minutes before I came to get you. Just put on my tux, ran a comb through my hair and had my mom tie this stupid bow tie."

"I think it's a cute bow tie." She stated as we walked into the resturant. To say that we were overdressed would be an understatement.

We were the best dressed in the resturant, and throughout dinner people just stared at us. Rauri actually had a little girl, about five years old, come up to her and ask for her autopgraph. She thought Rauri was a princess and wanted to have her signature.

"What princess do you think I am?" Rauri asked the little girl before signing her napkin.


Rauri laughed and sighed it as Cinderella, in smooth gentle cursive, and then handed it to me. "Prince Charming should sign it too."

I smiled through dinner as the little girl went around to other tables to show everyone that Prince Charming and Cinderella had signed her napkin. Dinner passed quickly, too quickly in fact. I must have planned incorrectly. We needed up with over thirty minutes of free time that I hadn't really planned for.

"Well it's only six thirty, what do you want to do now?" I asked as I held the car door open for her.

"I don't know." She said as I closed the door behind her and went to get in on my side.

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