Chapter 24

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Sorry for the late update guys! But I'm getting so close to single digits on one of my books! It's called Amber Alert, a kidnapped story, so I've been working like a crazy person on that.

by anyway, let me know what you guys think please:D

love xxnightstripexx.


 I had laid in my bed almost all that Saturday thinking of what to do about Taylor. It had stumped Nathan and Jason, along with myself. We couldn't figure out why she had choosen me to take her anger out on. As far as I knew I wasn't Brent Frago, we didn't act anything a like, and if he had hurt Rauri so bad he must not have been that great of a boyfriend.

"I give up." Nathan huffed, plopping down onto the corner of the bed. "Do we really need to deal with her before you can ask Rauri to prom?"

"Yeah, because if Taylor thinks that she is honestly doing this to protect her best friend, then she'll do whatever it takes to protect Rauri."

"Taylor's always been protective of Rauri though. It just got worse after a while and I couldn't figure out why. Rauri was just upset a lot and wouldn't talk to anyone except Taylor, so there was no way I could help her." Jason remembered.

"That must have been when the Brent issue happened." I stated more to myself than to anyone else.

"Look, we aren't other people's problem solvers. Why do we care what happened between Brent and Rauri? It doesn't matter now." Nathan whined. He wanted to go outside, play in the pool and relax. Not be stuck inside on a nice spring day trying to solve the problem of why Taylor was being so protective of her friend.

"Taylor is just doing it to be a good friend, she feels bad that she didn't stop it when Rauri went out with Brent and now she wants to make sure that it doesn't happened again." Jason explained, completely ignoring Nathan's whining.

It made sense, Taylor genuienely wanted to rpotect her friend, but the one time Rauri really needed her she hadn't done it. So this time she is going to be sure to protect her bestfriend, even if it means hurting her in the process. It didn't seem logical to us because we hadn't been there, or even known that Rauri and Brent were dating.

Taylor knew what happened and we didn't, but because of whatever happened Taylor felt Rauri was threatened with me. Now, she percieves me as a threat just because she doesn't like me for some reason.

"So? What have I done?" I asked tossing Nathan a game controller so he'd shut up. I was tired of hearing him complain, if he wanted to go outside he could go by himself. At lease Jason was interested in attempting to help his sister from her pver protective bestfriend.

"Put in Super Smash Brothers." Nathan ordered as Jason and I continued talking. I would put anything in just to make him stop talking.

"You mean besides make fun of her since the first day we met her?" Jason asked rethorically. "Gee, I have no idea why she would hate us so much!"

"It's not like we shaved her head or anything..." I groaned.

"But we did put her hand in water to make her pee her pants, throw paint at them, push them in pools, scare them so bad they almost wet themselves and a few other things." Jason said recalling moments from our early years together, those weren't even the ones we've done recently.

"So how can we make it up to her?" I posed the question.

"The only way she'd forgive you two idiots is if she went on a date with Jason and had an amazing time." Nathan said with a laugh as he turned his focus back on the game.

I felt a smile curl onto the edge of my lips and expand across my face. Jason caught my smile, and started vigourously shaking his head no.

"No, no, no, no, no! A million times no, it's not happening!"

"Come on Jason, you single handedly could end the fued that has been going on for far too long." I stated with dramatic overlay.

"It's only been seven years!"

"Seven years too long my friend! You alone can end this long drawn out fight and call it to a draw!" I said, attempting to sound like one of those romans about to go into battle.

"No, it's not happening! Do you have any idea what she would do to me if I even asked her out?"

"Scream like a little school girl and kiss you all over your face?" I suggested causing Jason's eye to twitch.

"I know her too well, I couldn't go on a date with her if I tried."

"So you're admitting she's attractive." I stated to point out that fact.

"Just not her personality!" Jason retorted, realizing that there was a good chance he would lose this fight if he didn't think of something and quick.

"But you've dated girls with worse personalities before!"

"But they were sluts that let me get into their pants, whenever I wanted to get laid." Jason stated matter-of-factly.

"That explains a lot." I muttered under my breath.

"I heard that, jackass. What if it wasn't me she went on a date with?" Jason suggested, trying to find a way out of the hole he was digging himself into.

"Who would you suggest? Please don't let it be Brent Fargo." I pleaded.

"I would suggest Nathan, but then Nicole would kick his ass even for this little endevour." Jason said, attempting to catch Nathan's attention and succeeding.

"Hell no, if anyone should date Taylor it's you! You're the one that broke her heart when she liked you. Time you take one for the team, jackass."

"Don't call me a jackass, jackass." Jason retorted.

"That was clever." I stated, getting a pillow thrown at me. Although, that pillow got my mind going again, I had an idea. "How about Declan Scott!?"

"Declan? You think that would work?"

"It could work. Then I've got to talk to Brent to find out what happened with Rauri and him, then maybe I can get Taylor out of my hair!" I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Taylor was really starting to get to me, it was like everywhere I was, she was. It was almost as if she was looking for some reason for me not to be good for Rauri and that was worrisome.

If she felt like I was an honest threat, then she would do anything to protect Rauri. The anything in that sentence worried me, it could be anything she deemed acceptable in order to protect Rauri.

"I think that would work, and how can Taylor turn down such a sweet guy?" I asked half sarcastically and half sincere. "By this time tomorrow, we'll have Taylor out of our hair for good.

"That's if this goes well." Nathan stated as he got up from the floor and handed the controller to Jason. "Now, help me out. Kirby keeps eating me!"

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