Chapter 3

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I drive to Vanessa's house after school, growing more nervous by the minute. What was I going to tell her? That I had sex with her best friend, is it really entirely my fault? Roni threw herself at me and seduced me. I sighed, I was lying to myself, it was my fault just as much as it was Roni's. I could have stopped it, but I choose to let it happen.

 The house comes into view, causing my stomach to tighten. I know I should tell her, but damn I've waited so long to have her, I don't want to. There's the good boy in me, wants to tell the truth but knows who bad it will turn into. I park the car and stuff my hands nervously in my pockets as I walk up to the door. With a stained glass mosaic of a flower, it's possible to see inside and look around to see if anyone is home.

I knocked on the door bell and waited for her to come. When she didn't I rang the door bell and knocked again. I was growing impatient that she wasn't coming, I knocked twice more and rang the door bell again. The glass looked like it shook from the knocks, a slight vibration that made me stop banging on the door.

When Vanessa came to the door she was out of breath, raising my curiosity on what took her so long to get to the door. She was well put together, clothes looked normal and her hair didn't have a strand out off place as she leaned out the door, showing the same assets Roni had used against me. I looked at the ground trying not to stare, but it was almost no used to what I was prepared to do to her all day.

I could feel my jeans getting tighter as she stepped out to show a shorter outfit then Roni or Logan had on. The shorts barely covered to her fingertips, leaving almost nothing to the imagination from the mental image it gave me. She fixed her shirt so it fit around her perfectly, showing off every curve she had, including the ones the low neck line showed.

"Hey Ahser, I'm so sorry. Can you come back tomorrow? I'm helping my dad, and I don't want him to catch us. I could get pretty wild, and I don't want to have to stop in the middle of it." She said putting her hands on my hips to press her body against mine. She licked her lips as she started to grind into me.

"Yeah, totally." It came out as a whisper as she leaned into kiss me. The feeling of her soft lips on mine was a feeling I never wanted to get used to, every time it just made me want more. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her to me as she played with my hair sending a ripple of intimacy through me.

I pushed her against the wall, as I deepened the kiss. She made a soft moan, it made me want her more even with the forbiddeness of our actions. I lifted her up, having her wrap her legs around my waist, using the wall to support most of her wieght. She gyrated her hips every second we were close to together, but her lips never left mine. I pressed into her, hoping she could feel it through my jeans and her shorts.

A small moan escaped her lips as I pushed harder into her. I started kissing her neck, making her grind faster and harder into me as her breath quickened with pleasure. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and quickly put her down back on her feet and kissed her good bye before she ran back inside.

As I got back in my car I dialed Jason's number to tell him I was coming over since he ditched me at lunch. I drove the familiar route to his house, I've know Jason since first grade and we met Nathan our Freshmen year and been best friends ever since.

I pulled up to the white vinal house, its blue shutters gave me a welcomed feeling that never seemed to disapoint the anticpation of a loving family. Each person in his family was open and caring about everyone that walked through their door, if you weren't welcomed here then you didn't know how it felt to be welcomed anywhere. I walked to the oak door and knocked, being promptly answered by Jason and Nathan pulling me into the room.

Jason had the swim trials for the olympics turned on. Our eyes were glued to the screen from watching wach race as it came down to the last few miliseconds and sometimes even less. As the swimmers would come into the wall, neck and neck with three other people it got down to the wire of who would make it into the olympics. Those last few seconds mean everything in a race, the feeling of being so close, that's what we race for.

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