September 5th

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Greetings, everyone! welcome to my new story! theres not going to be a lot of shipping in these first few chapters because I'm trying to explain the plot. But the ships are Kimmien with some Shartney mixed in for flavor. Also Olivia is dating Sam, her boyfriend in real life. Hope ya'll enjoy!


I don't know why Mr. Hecox called all of us into his classroom. It's the first Friday of the school year, and my boyfriend, Sam, is supposed to drive me home today. I don't want him to wait too long. We're all in here looking like the freaking breakfast club (I think, I've never seen it). There's me, my friend Shayne, Courtney and Damien Haas-Miller (aka the twins), Noah Grossman and Kieth Leak Jr, who are best friends, and are known for that and that only. Finally, The group is completed by Kimmy Jimenez, the nicest, perkiest, most goody-two-shoes person I've ever met. I'm sitting next to Shayne, him next to Damien, him next to Kimmy, her next to Courtney, her next to Noah, and him next to Kieth. I've known most of these kids since kindergarten, and Shayne is the only one I'm really friends with. I don't know if any of the rest of them know what's going on, and I'm not sure if they'd tell me. I'm not mean, but I am popular, maybe even the most popular girl in school. A queen bee type of deal. So yeah, some of the more unpopular people might not like me that much. I've never been mean to them, but I've never really talked to them either. I look around the room. Shayne's talking to Courtney Haas-Miller. Courtney's nice. She seems cool, and she's SUPER pretty, but we've never really talked and we don't have that many of the same friends. Keith and Noah are talking, of course. I was friends with them in middle school, but we kinda stopped talking when I started hanging out with the popular kids. Damien, the other twin, is talking to Kimmy. The way I described her earlier, you may think I don't like her, which isn't true. In fact, everyone likes her. She's the nicest person in school, the only person even close to comparing being maybe Damien. The only other thing I really know about Kimmy is that she's Courtney's best friend. After about 10 minutes, Mr. Hecox finally comes into the room, two seniors trailing behind him. 

Why the hell are they here? 

Everyone knows Matt Raub and Sarah Whittle. They do the morning announcements, which basically means they bully each other for about ten minutes straight every morning and tell us when it's spirit week. They've done this since they were freshmen.

"Hey everyone!" Mr. Hecox greets us. He's pretty young for a teacher, probably in his mid to late 20's, but he has SEVERE dad energy. He also lets us call him by his first name, but It feels weird to do that, so I usually don't.

"So, uh what are we doing here?" Kieth asks, raising his hand.

"Put your hand down, Kieth," Matt says bluntly, causing Noah to let out a short laugh.

"Not now Matt," Ian says, trying to hide an amused smile. He turns his attention back to us.

"You all know that you take a physical before you register for school, right?"

We all nod.

"And it includes a blood test?"

We nod again.

"Well, every year there's always at least one kid, sometimes two, with a mutated gene that causes... special abilities. And we train them. But this year, all seven of you have the mutated gene."

Everyone else looks nervous, borderline fearful, but I'm just confused.

"Special abilities?" I wonder quietly to myself. Nobody hears me, though, because Noah speaks up.

"What the hell do you want with us? Are you gonna experiment on us?"

There goes Noah and his conspiracy theories. He's been all weird and paranoid like this since we were in elementary school. I'm still confused though. Experiment on us? Because we all have some weird gene? And why would Mr. Hecox be talking to us about genetics? He's the drama teacher!

"No Noah, I'm not gonna experiment on you guys," he responds, sounding like he expected this.

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because we've already got all your parents to consent to training all of you. And they wouldn't want you to get experimented on."

Everyone goes crazy. Matt, Sarah and Mr. Hecox sit quietly and wait for everyone to finish yelling. What the fuck is happening?

Once everyone quiets down, Shayne speaks up.

"Why now? Why not when we were freshmen? Or even when were little?"

"Well, it's a lot to handle at a young age. Also, sometimes the training is overnight. And we have to wait until you're a bit older until we have boys and girls spend the night together," he says giving a pointed look towards Kimmy and Damien. They exchange a look.

"Oh, uh, no we're not-"

"Dating? Oh, well you should try it. You have great chemistry!"

Courtney laughs out loud. This is when I decide to speak up.

"Excuse me? What's the hell is going on? What do you mean by 'training'? And I don't have any special abilities."

Mr. Hecox looks at me with an almost pitying expression. Like I'm stupid or something.

"Think about it, Olivia. Is there anything you can do that most people can't?"

I think about it for a second.

"No, I don't think so."

"Well, I was hoping that you'd all already know about your powers-"

"Wait, powers?"

"-But luckily, there are specific strains of the gene that indicate what power you have. And you, Olivia, have the power of super persuasion."


Super persuasion? What does that even mean?

"It's like mind control. And you can convince others of anything."

Suddenly everything makes sense. This gene gives people superpowers! But I can't do that.

"Maybe that's how you got so popular!" Noah pipes in.

Oh my god. This can't be true. Sure, I always win arguments. Sure, I've never been grounded and everyone seems to like me, but it can't be because I'm some master manipulator! Oh god. What if Noah's right? What if that's how I got Sam to fall for me? What if that's why I have all my friends?

"Shut up! You're crazy! I am not some manipulative, superpowered freak!"

And just like that, I jump up from my chair and storm out of the room.

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