Departure x And x Friends Part 1

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Just for a reminder. This is NOT word for word from the first episode. I'm just using my imagination! *holds up rainbow like Spongebob.* Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the story!

"Aunt Miitooooo!!" A little green-haired boy yells from the window of his room. The red-haired aunt looks up from the clothesline. "Are my clothes dry yet???"

Mito chuckles and looks up at the boy with sparkling eyes. "Yes, Gon. Your clothes have finished drying."

Gon gives his toothy grin and runs down the stairs, surprisingly not tripping over the steps. As the door flings open, Mito almost has a heart attack. She had never expected her nephew to be so energetic. But, she should've known better. After all, today is the day that Gon will be leaving to go take the Hunter Exam.

~At the Ship~

"Gon, did you get everything? Did you remember your spare clothes? Your socks? How about your under-" Gon quickly cuts her off.

"Aunt Mito~! You're embarrassing me!" Gon puts on a pouty face.

Mito puts up her hands in defense. "Sorry, sorry! I'm just paranoid. You've just grown up so much. I can't believe you're going to be a Hunter just like Ging..." She pauses for a moment. "Are you sure you-"

"Yes, Aunt Mito. I want to be a Hunter just like Ging!" He says with a big smile on his face.

Without another word, Gon's aunt pulls him into a big hug. Gon lightly gasps at the sudden action, but soon melts into the warm motherly hug.

All of a sudden, a loud horn can be heard from the ship. "All people wanting to board the ship, we depart in five minutes!" The captain says.

Gon then lets go of Mito. He begins to run towards the ship. "Wait, Gon-"

He stops in his tracks, "Hm?"

"Just promise me that you'll stay safe. Okay?"

Gon rushes over to Mito and grabs her hand. They intertwine their fingers and say, "Pinky swear made... Whoever breaks their promise has to swallow a thousand needles. Sealed with a kiss!"

As Mito stops, Gon continues the kissing noise for about 5 more seconds and then he then looks up at Mito and smiles.

Gon begins to run up to the ship but then makes a quick stop.

"Mito! My medication-"

"Oh, right!" The aunt pulls a white bottle out of her pocket and tosses it to Gon, which he quickly catches.

Gon then runs up to the ship and hands his ticket to the sailor. He then boards the large ship and makes his way to the top, where he waves his aunt goodbye. Waving his arms in the air, yelling. Once Whale Island is out of sight, the green-haired boy decides to check out the rest of this massive ship.

~Time Skip~

"Here you go, sir. Try to take it easy for a while, okay?" Gon hands a cup of water to a man in the cockpit.

"Hey, thanks, kid." The man says in with a crack voice.

"No problem! Just call me if you need anything else."

The honey eyed boy gets up and walks around. All of the men on the ship look seasick except for two. One has blonde hair and seems to be leaning against the wall, reading a book. The other is tall with black hair reading a magazine on a hammock. Gon knows that it's some kind of porn magazine. He's a kid, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't know when he sees a man looking at nudes.

Gon then walks up to the man with a straight face.

"Excuse me, sir."

The man looks up from his paper and quickly puts away the magazine with beads of sweat going down his forehead.

"Yeah, kid? W-What do you want? M-Make it quick though. I-I'm busy."

"With what?" Gon asks, tilting his head innocently. "Looking through nudes?"

"T-That's none of your damn business!" He practically yells.

"Oh, okay, mister...?"


"Okay, Leorio-"

"That's MISTER Leorio to you!"

Gon sweatdrops and correct himself. "I was just wondering why you wanted to be a hunter."

"And why the hell would you want to know that?"

"Because you seem different from the others here. That's all!"

Leorio scoffs. "Well, you're wrong, kid. I'm not any different. I just want the same thing everyone else wants."

"And what's that?"

"Isn't it obvious? Money!"

Gon tilts his head once again. "Money?"

"That's right! MONEY! With money, you can buy a mansion! A new car! AND TOP SHELF BOOZE! YEE-HA!

"Oh. And I thought you wanted to find your soulmate."

Leorio deadpans. "Kid, I think you're the only one here that wants that."

Gon then stammers. "I-I don't want to find my soulmate! I just want to find my dad by becoming a Hunter!"

"Pshh, yeah. Whatever you say... Say, kid. What's your name anyway?"

"Oh, my name's Gon. Gon Freecss!"

Leorio looks back at his nude collection. "Well, Gon. You know the Hunter Exam isn't a place for kids, right?"

"I'm not a kid, though." Gon whines.

"You sure do whine like one."

Gon's imaginary vein pops. "Well, at least I-... n-nevermind." He lowers his ears slightly.

Leorio looks back at Gon with a slight frown on his face. He didn't mean to hurt Gon's feelings. The tall man rubs the back of his head.

"I-I'm sorry, Gon. I went too far."

Gon immediately pops his head back up with a friendly grin. "It's fine, Mr. Leorio!"

The man stammers for a moment. "Y-You can drop the mister! Leorio is just fine..."

"Really?! Okay, Leorio!"

Leorio covers his face in embarrassment. "Geez, kid. You act like a damn omega when you talk like that."

"Huh?" Gon's excitement fades. "What's so bad about being an omega?"

"Well, isn't it obvious? They are weak little things that wouldn't stand a chance in the Hunter Exam. If anyone found out there was an omega on board, we'd have some issues right about now." He says with a frown on his face.

Gon is a little taken back by this statement, since he himself is an omega. He can't let his first friend leave him this quickly! He quickly comes up with a simple solution.

"Y-yeah. Don't worry! I'm a beta, so there won't be any issues here!"

How did you guys like the first chapter? Please, share your thoughts so I can change the story if needed! Also, if you need anything clarified, just ask me in the comments below! Thank you! Byyeeee!

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