Chapter 1

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And here I am standing at the airport waiting for the driver to pick me up.

My name is Liliana Anderson, I'm the daughter of infamous  Anderson's .
My family has a multimillionaire company owned by my elder
brother and dad while my mom owns one of the biggest salons in the world while my youger brother is a famous artist .

I just finished College in New York I went to Julliard so I'm back in Canada, Ontario where the rest of my family is.

I have black hair with brunette at the end , I have dark brown eyes with black surrounding it and you can say I'm black but nothing I can't handle.

"Mrs Anderson?" , someone says cutting my trail of thought he is wearing a black suit and has a blank look .

"Yes that's me" I say showing him my ID.

"I'm your driver your parents sent me to pick you up" He says and takes my luggage before opening the door for me while a mutter a small thanks I'm a very shy person if you haven't noticed. Then he goes to drivers seat and we start our journey to the mansion I'm so happy to see everyone especially him.

How did you guys enjoy the chapter? More to come.

Okay so today my mum made portage yam and my brother was complaining because of the one they give us in school isn't nice but today he ate two good plates🙄.

Alam[A little about myself]
I'm 13, I'm a girl, I love music and dancing.

See ya love,

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