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We went to the rendezvous point Kokoro told us to wait at. "Been a while since we've gone abroad, huh?" Shizaki said. "Yeah." I muttered.

"Anyway, let's see how my wife-y doing." I gave Tsugumi a call. It's about, 9pm here, Tsugumi's usually asleep at this point. The phone rang, until someone picked up.

"H-hello?" A faint voice answered.

"Hello, Tsugumi, It's me Joseph," I greeted.

"Oh, hey, Hun. What's up?" She replied.

"I'm in Japan now, expect to see me later, sorry if I disturb your sleep".

"That's great. It's okay. Great you're back here all fine".

"Now go back to sleep, you know how you are when you lack sleep, nighty night," I hung up.

"That's a relief," I sighed.

Few minutes later, Skrrrt! Kokoro's sunshine Pagani Huayra BC stopped right beside us. Srrrrrr... The drivers' window slid open. "Oh-hey. I'm sorry. My pilot accidentally turned on the anti-theft system again then panicked, thus forgot telling you men and women. Dammit, Michael!"

I was startled by her strange sentences. I got it, but it was just.. bizarre.

"And sorry for being late. There are so many crowds along the way. Super Promotion - event you would join if these chaos didn't happen - has been started".

"So uhh, what do we do now? Do we just slip in, like try to register midway through?" I asked.

"Hehe, no worries, I've already heard your crew name and new names, so I've already pre registered you into the event." Kokoro explained. "So you guys better hurry." She added.

"But what about our cars?" Shizaki asked. "You can't use your cars for now, it'll be instantly recognized, instead, go to my garage, there's a large variety of cars there, from Toyota to Mercedes, choose any." Kokoro offered.

"Just tell the guard there that you're told by Miss Tsurumaki to bring her car, and he'll give you the keys, if he doesn't, give me a call." Kokoro continued.

"Cool! Miss Kokoro had registered us! We also get free cars again! What a life," Ken expressed after Kokoro left.

Eirine filled, "By the way, Kokoro doesn't know our namesakes yet. Which means..."

"We've been registered with our African names...?" I continued awkwardly.

"If so, then that's a bruh moment." I said. I gave Kokoro a confirmation call. "So uh, what names do you exactly register us as?" I asked.

"Oh, i heard from Hana that your new crew is Warrior's Path, and i registered your names using your new names, here check it out." Kokoro gave me a list.

Shizaki: Abioye
Joseph: Jojo
Ken: Kwanza
Hana: Makena
Eirine: Tatenda

Bruh, they really are African names.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" Kokoro referred to the backup names.

"It's great. Wish I had enough money to bring my whole family there," Ken dreamed.

"Every name has beautiful meanings. I'll take it," Shizaki reacted positively.

"Nice," Hana complimented Kokoro's choices.

"In the jungle, the mighty jungle--" Eirine sang with her cracked voice.

"Jojo? Oh yeah, Kokoro! You're the bomb," I was the happiest of them all.

"Haha! Glad you like it!" Kokoro felt proud.

Hiatus happened. Later, Hana had a small speech for Bushido, "We didn't use namesakes, but still have to hold virtues of Bushido".

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