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Vrooom! After fancy duet got off to the garage, they were greeted by gusto, "We're getting heated with the presence of Japanese racing elitists, The League!" WOOOOOOOOO! Sturdy standing fans shouted in joy as Kasumi and Kokoro positioned themselves to its paddock.

"Looks like we're as famous as ever." Kokoro bragged. "I don't like being famous, people recognize me here and there, its hard to stay anonymous." Kasumi replied. "Anyway when's our first race starting?" Eve wondered. "In an hour, I think, after the preparation." Shizaki replied. When we were preparing our cars, something caught our eye, and seemed oddly familiar. A decked out, metallic blue Shelby GT500 entered the dock.

"Woah! That thing's hell a clean, and it seems recognizable to my eyes," Eirine moved her head forward

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"Woah! That thing's hell a clean, and it seems recognizable to my eyes," Eirine moved her head forward. "Yo! A member from the most powerful grip racing associates, Grip Runners, comes in and turns the whole spotlight towards her. We present to you, Chiyu Tamade!" Skrrrrrt! Shelby's front engine blared so hard to melt her tyres and caused global warming. "Oh, ho ho! She's ready for showdown against The League!" MC jumped and blew up.

"Its her!" "She's back!" Every one of us gasped. "Chu-Chu." I muttered. Chu-Chu looked around and finally spotted us, and walked over to us. "Hey it's you guys! What's your names again..." Chu-Chu put her left palm on her face and her right hand snapping, thinking hard, "Ah, forget it". "And you look taller..." I stood next to her, impishly measured. her top of her head aligned with my stomach. "Shut up!" She slapped my tough femur. I felt nothing.

She reminisces more. "Ah yes! You're Bushido, and this big guy here is Joseph, am I right?" Chu-Chu patted my back, which is actually the lower part of my back, because she's short. "Anyway, I've seen you run on the Pikes Peak, you guys are daredevils, such a shame that Joseph's McLaren broke down, huhu..." Chu-Chu chuckled.

"I'm sorry," Shortie grinned. "Hey, I want these two women, plus your leader and his vice to hop in the competition," Shinkansen had spoken, pointed at Kasumi, Kokoro, Shizaki, and Eve. She went on, "Immediate access to challenge Ray-sama if all four pass first". "Oh no. my band mate's habit infects me..." Chu-Chu uttered.

"Is that so?" Kasumi grinned. "Well, it's a rare chance, take it or leave it." Chu-Chu said. "We accept the challenge." Shizaki confirmed. "By the way, are you gonna be racing in you GT500? Isn't that thing over the HP limit?" I asked. "Oh I won't be racing in this baby, I'll be racing with my other baby." She pointed to a Ford Escort. "Hmm, nice ride." I complimented. "Of course!" She did a thumbs up. I glanced at her hand, and saw what seems to be a gold wedding ring bedazzled with little diamonds. I grinned.

"Bushido, one of The League's branch, joins the arena, ladies and gentlemen! Forget the delay. These racers are racing NOW!" The speaker announced. OOOOOOOOOOHH! The crowd went wild. Humans entered Big Willow Track like an ocean wave. No complaints at all. Just hype.

"Well, it's showtime! See you all later in the track, can you survive the asphalt?" Chu-Chu walked over to her Ford Escort. "Good luck guys." I motivated the gang. Kokoro's pit crew rolled out Kasumi's MR-S and Kokoro's IS200 to the track. Eve setup and rolled out her Focus, and Shizaki with his Plymouth. "We'll get a warm up lap before the actual race, learn the track and get used to it!" Shizaki commanded. "Got it!" They all answered.

Quartet did a warm up on Big Willow Track. Swish! Swosh! Their skills, along with three random people and one Grip Runners' associate, individually made their best time record. "Ah-ha! This hot lap chooses Chiyu Tamade as the winner in 1 minute and 10 seconds!" Announcer raised his hand wide. "But don't be happy yet, as the real battle is coming towards you, racers!" He continued.

Everyone lined up on the grid, Chu-Chu being on the first position for being the fastest time. It was Chu-Chu, the 4 of them, and a few other racers at the grid, waiting for the race countdown, revving their cars. "Let's go guys, go hard!" Kokoro exclaimed. "Don't go too hard that you're reckless." Kasumi said.

Dawn of Motorsports: Street StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora