Part 11 ~

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After at least an hour of playing hide and seek, the boys went to go make some content before going live tonight. The teams kept rotating, which I didn't mind. Since then I wouldn't be alone with Bryan, hoping to avoid any awkwardness that could come from our almost kiss. After the game ended, I went and laid on Tristan's bed. My little brother eventually came in and laid beside me.

Tr- "how you going?"
Y/n- "I'm okay"
Tr- "when did you end up in Bryan's hoodie?"
Y/n- "oh this is Bryan's? I didn't know. I just grabbed the first one out of the laundry basket. I thought it was yours"
Tr- "nope. That's Bryan's"
Y/n- "I'm shocked he didn't say anything. Let me go ask him"
Tr- "he probably doesn't mind. We all share clothes"

I got off the bed and found Bryan downstairs in the kitchen.

B- "y/n. Come here!"

He was filming a video and got me to jump on his back to join in. After the video finished. He put me down and posted the video. Clearly nothing was awkward between us. As if nothing even happened.

Y/n- "how come you didn't mention I was wearing your hoodie?"

I stood on the opposite side of the bench, leaning against it with my elbows and my head rested on my hands.

B- "because it doesn't bother me. It looks alot cuter on you too"

I felt a smile try to form on my lips and my cheeks heat up. Bryan came and stood next to me. Facing the opposite way and leaning against the bench. Why did I feel the way I do towards him? He's my brother's friend. I couldn't date him. Could I?

B- "can I tell you something?"

I stood up and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

Y/n- "yes?"

Our faces were close enough together that when Bryan began to speak, he moved closer.

B- "I-"

In that same moment, all the lights cut out. We both moved away, looking around. The house went dark, the only light shining inside was that of an almost set sun. All we could hear was everyone speaking in the distance.

B- "the power must've gone out"
Y/n- "the storm is meant to hit its most dangerous tonight"

Zach walked into the room holding a candle. Yelling out to everyone else in the house.

Z- "everyone come to the kitchen!"

Soon a chorus of voices and feet could be heard entering the room from all different directions. Bryan went to the opposite side of the room from me and sat on the bench. Chris was sitting down on a stool so I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. So I wasn't holding myself up completely.

Z- "since we have no power. We'll go live but only for a little while. That way not everyone's phones will die too early. I need everyone to grab all the candles in the house and we'll set up in the loungeroom. If you need to go to the bathroom or the kitchen. Use your phone light and if it dies you can use a candle. Off you's go"

We all scurried around the house. Finding whatever candles we could and lighting them up around the loungeroom. Eventually we all sat down in the loungeroom. Chris, Bryan and Dayne all sat on one lounge, Heidi, Darius and Tyler were on the other and Tristan sat beside me on the floor. The boys went live a little earlier tonight. Considering once the sun was completely down, the only light we'll have is candle light. I laid my head on Tristan's shoulder and talked to his live with him. The lives ended after about an hour, trying their best to conserve our phone's battery levels.

Z- "what are you all going to do?"
Ty- "I'd say we'll just hang out in here. Where are you off too?"
Z- "Mel and I are going to go to some work in the office"
C- "okay"

Zach and Mel left the room. The sun had finally set and the candle light shone on everyone's faces. I looked up at the boys.

Y/n- "so what do you all want to do now?"
C- "how about board games?"

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