Chapter 4: The Forbidding of the Almighty

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January 15-21, 2039

Wilfredo's POV - Floor of Belief

Omar, the elected Messiah, was summoned by the management to lay down the instructions for our first ever event, where we can gain as much shekels as we want. I should be the one who's leading us, not him. That fake and pretentious guy. I can smell the stench of his lies every time he talks.

Meanwhile, as we wait for Omar. We're asked to gather in the event area. As usual, we were heavily blindfolded as we walk in line until we've reached our destination. Of course with the guidance of the administrators. We've rode the elevator and went down through some stairs. It's really difficult to walk when you cannot see anything.

Wilfredo's POV - Event Area

After all the administrators left the area, we were asked to remove our blindfolds, and as to our surprise, we were circling a gigantic tree in front of us. We were also surrounded by green and leafy trees that bear different kinds of fruit with every color of the rainbow. I'm looking for an apple tree as I gaze the place but I saw none. "This is the Garden of Eden," the Pastor said.

They we're astounded by its beauty but not me. Not without the apple tree. This is what they would call a paradise. How can the management do all of this? It doesn't really matter to me. What's important is that we can save as much food and shekels from this event so we can last until 100th day. Even though I'm not the appointed leader. I wish the best for all of us.

Omar's POV - Conference Room

So this is the Conference Room where the management lays down the formal instructions. But there's no one here. I tried to take a peek when I was going here but the blindfold was very tight. It even left a mark. They're very strict but I appreciate it as long they don't tie us up.

"Welcome. So you are the one appointed as the Messiah?"  said through a speaker in a robotic voice. "I think so." I answered.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters..." an angelic voice through the speaker started spewing non-sense.

"... The woman said to the serpent, 'We may eat the fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, 'You must not eat from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die."

"Are you still there?" said in a robotic voice. I've missed this voice. It's much better than that boring one.

"The first event is entitled 'The Forbidden Fruit". In the event area, we've organized a replica of the Garden of Eden. With the exception of the animals and creatures."

"You have one week to gather any food from any tree that you want except from the 'Forbidden Tree'."

"Is that it? So how can we gain shekels from it?" I've asked.

"You won't gain any shekels from harvesting on all other trees except the 'Forbidden Tree'. For every fruit that you ate from that tree, you'll gain a thousand shekels," the voice answered.

"What?" I shouted in confusion. " I thought you've said that it is forbidden to gather any food from that tree."

"God gave us free will when He made us. So what right do the management have to take it away from all of you? The answer was none, but we greatly discourage you to eat the fruits from that tree because it can be lethal."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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