Chapter 13: Good News

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His smile faded as I said that, he leaned into my ear, he was about to say something..

"MY GOSH WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG??" Joey yells as he busts the door open,

Theo faces him quickly before he sees the position we were in,

He clears his throat "she's gonna pack now"

He looked back at me "right Isabella?"

"Right" I chuckled.

"Hurry up" Joey said, clenching his teeth, as he got out and slammed the door.

I got up to pack my things, I didn't care about the consequences, I want this.

I packed up in about 20 minutes, Theo and i put on the stupid black clothing and masks,I went outside unbothered by everyone's looks.

I obviously put abbie in her leash, I can't go anywhere withour her.

They went to their car and i headed to mine, they looked at me weirdly "we're not gonna fit in there"

"Yeah.." theo said "I'll come with You"

We both got in my car, they put some of their luggage in my backseat because it didn't all fit, I just really didn't want anybody else in the car with us.

"Follow them, k?" He said, I nodded.

I drove behind them, the drive was silent for a while.

"What happened with Shawn?" He broke the silence.

"He should be here soon. I'm waiting for a call from gabe"

"What's the plan though?" He asked.

I waited a minute before answering "I don't know I wanna tell you."

"Why not?" He asked. "Am i involved?"

"No" I said, keeping my eyes on the road "I just don't wanna scare you."

"You ALREADY scare me" he chuckled.

I glanced at him, raising an eyebrow "not funny"

We made eye contact for a moment, then I put my eyes back on the road.

I could tell we were getting close, we were on a really sketchy road with not lampposts. I could barely see.

We finally pulled in, there were TONS of cars, tons of masked people.

I didn't want to talk to any of them, i walked away with Abbie and my luggage, I saw Theo approaching Me as he walked right next to me.

We went inside, this place was really big, we both took off the masks.

Am i really about to live in an abandoned prison? For some reason I preffered this over my apartment..

"Jesus, are we really gonna stay here?" I asked Theo.

"It's gonna be like this for a while, don't worry, the other place looked just like this when we first saw it" he said and we walked upstairs.

He sighed "there's obviously no elevator, it's gonna be quite a workout every single day"

I sighed a loud sigh "How long did it take you guys to furnish the other place?"

"I would give it 3 months max"

I felt relieved "okay, good"

We reached the fifth floor "but until then" he opened one of the doors "we're gonna have to stay in here"

There were about 8 bunk beds, it didn't look too bad, but the toilet...oh gosh.

"Please don't tell me we're gonna use that" I pointed at the disgusting toilet.

He laughed "don't worry, we can use the fancy one that the security use at the end of the hallway"

I felt relieved, I went to see the condition of the beds, it was okay. At least I wasn't gonna be alone in here.

He sat next to me on the bed "i wanna know your plan with shawn.." he whispered.

I sighed "I'll tell you..but you've been warned. Don't complain if you have nightmares tonight" I smirked.

I told him in graphic detail what I want to do to shawn, I left a shocked expression on his face.

"damn..he must have fucked you up pretty bad.."

I chuckled "No shit...they all did"

I looked away for a moment, as five other members walked In, maskless, they were obviously the team.

"Is that it?" I asked Theo.

"Yeah. Just the team." He said.

"Okay.." I yawned "I'm getting really gonna go to bed"

"Okay.." He whispered, as he got up  went over to the team,they were all whispering, they were talking about me.

I couldn't hear with my ears, but theo was telling them what I just said to him, and Joey told them that I'm fucking crazy and they need to watch out.

"Appreciate it, Joe" I said, laying down on the bed "the only one who should watch out is You."

He said something else, but i couldn't bother to hear, I dozed off to sleep.

4:45 am

I was woken up by a call, I checked to see who it was, it's gabe!

I answered immediately "hey...hey..gabe"

"Are you sleeping? I'm sorry if i woke you up"

"It's okay..any news?" I said in my very sleepy voice.

"Yeah...we're coming today at 4 pm,where you at?"

"Listen...we Can't meet here...where I am...but I'll send you a location we can meet at. You better have shawn with you"

"Yes..of course. We're coming together."

I sighed "thank you so much gabe.. I really can't thank you enough.."

"It's Just really excited to see you..."

"Me too.." I smiled "I gotta go now..okay?"

We said bye to each other, and I decided to get some more sleep to fix my sleeping cycle.

10:00 am

I woke up to the best sight I could possibly wake up to.

Theo was SHIRTLESS, working out, he had sweat all over him, my goodness....there was nobody else in the room.

He noticed me staring "take a picture why don't You?" He chuckled.

"Shut up" I threw a pillow at him.

He threw it back at me, smiled and continued his workout.

I couldn't stop staring..what's wrong with Me?

Suddenly, a short haired skinny blonde walked In, Alyssa, of course.

"Damn Theo.." she said, checking him out, but he didn't acknowledge her.

She cleared her throat "can you leave for a moment? I need to talk to Bella."

"Go ahead." He said to her, with an attitude.

"Just...leave for a minute." She said.

He sighed "fine. But make it quick" he siad as he exited the room.


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